Name; Ophelia Sarah Mayspring
Gender; Female
Age; 25
DOB; November 12th;
Hometown; Elizabeth, New Jersey
Ethnicity; Caucasian
...Physical Information
Height; 5'8"
Weight; 96lbs
Eye Colour; Grey
Hair Colour; Red; naturally brunette
Build; Waif, slim, toned
Tattoos; two: one small red heart tattooed under her right eye, symbolic of her own emotions and her own heart, the letters and numbers WI4A on her right bicep, this was her Ward and Room at the Fairweather Sanatorium and she finds it important to document. Ophelia has many tales about her two tattoos, and none of them are the same.
Scars; there are slight burn marks along Ophelia's ribs from electroshock therapy on terribly delicate skin, small scars along her wrists from injuries when straining from wrist bonds, injection marks along her elbow creases on her right arm, a tiny scar on the left side of her bottom lip and a thick gash on the inside of her left thigh which she will never explain.
Disorders; manic depression, dissociative identity, tachyphemia
Ophelia is a disturbed and unstable young woman. Although not particularly dangerous in a sense, she can occasionally have lethal effect on those around her if she loses control. Clinically diagnosed as a manic depressive with identity disorder and communication disorders, Ophelia is a reclusive former socialite girl with a cheery disposition and a tendency towards the eccentric.
Usually a cheery young woman, Ophelia forms connections far too easily. Prone to latching to one person or a group, Ophelia is drawn more to emotional bonds than anything else. She is known to adapt herself to be what someone else needs, in the way of support. Rowdy or quiet, Ophelia is a master of blending herself to match a persons emotional wants.
At the manifestation of her powers, Ophelia slowly became more erratic in her behaviour. As an Empath, it was mostly because of the foreign feelings she was picking up from those around her. As a result she lost herself to madness as the chaos of her emotions lingered in her mind, throwing her psyche into disarray.
Ophelia’s heart broke from all the pain, suffering and anger she was so susceptible to, in the end, she grew despondent and bitter. Attempting to block herself off from the emotions assaulting her so frequently. As a result she became a little bit twisted, slightly insane and always referred to herself in third person; something she alludes to being a mechanism of defence.
As an empath, Ophelia is greatly ruled by not only her emotions, but the emotions of those around her. As her power began to develop, Ophelia remained unaware and as such wasn't capable of controlling her slowly growing abilities. Because of this she simply stocked the emotions up, taking far too much into herself and breaking parts of her ability and her psyche.
Ophelia's empathic abilities are dangerously untrained. Her abilities allow her to manipulate those around her based on their emotions and to nudge them towards other emotional states. She is able to delve into the psyche of a person and find each emotional trigger, sometimes having a severe effect on the person; she has the capability to trigger memories attached to emotions if she forces herself deep enough into the foreign psyche.
Coupled with the ability to manipulate, Ophelia can also draw emotions into herself. She has the ability to 'stock pile' emotions to use or to simply stop another person from dealing with them. Most commonly this is done with negative feelings; despair, anger, pain, loss. Ophelia takes them into herself and as a side effect often has to experience them herself. If she doesn't unleash them through herself, they grow in number and power and Ophelia can unleash them upon a group or individual to cause psychological damage or to render an assailant or assailants unconscious due to emotional overload.
Following her own psychological snap, Ophelia has been unable to experience her own emotions.
Ophelia Sarah Mayspring was raised in New Jersey with her affluent parents and a well to do lifestyle that gave her an easy and natural understanding of the olden, more decadent times, thanks to a Victorian era Nan-Nan; her great-grandmother. Ophelia, a Shakespearean lover, prodigal violinist and eccentric young woman, travelled to California when it came time to choose a college career, studying Classical Literature and Music.
It was in college that her mutant abilities triggered, and Ophelia found herself bombarded with emotions she couldn't control. They were not her own and with nothing to do, Ophelia simply absorbed them, doing herself more damage in the long run than helping herself. Day by day, the emotions got worse, and Ophelia's mind started to slip.
She was certified insane at the age of nineteen and locked up in Fairweather Sanatorium for three years; under going numerous treatments, various tests, and soaking up a multitude of mental disorders and unruly emotions all the while. She was released under the orders of Dr Eric Knight, a young psychiatrist who understood instantly that she was not insane, but a mutant. Dr Knight wanted to help Ophelia, but the young woman, suffering from a paranoia that was not her own, fled the state and wound up in New York where she remained for several years.
Two years in New York only magnified Ophelia's oddities, and while it was hardly something that made her truly stand out in a city like New York, her powers flared and spun out of control on occasion. It was one such occasion when she rendered an entire building of workers near catatonic that she registered with certain people that she was indeed a rather powerful mutant, and an empath, untrained as she was.
Word eventually reached Ophelia of a home for mutants, a safe place. Her decision wasn't made easily in the least. The school was a little too close to home, although home was probably the Sanatorium she'd been released from when she thought about it. Whatever happened, happened. And with a twisted sense of logic, Ophelia made her way to the house looking to find something she wasn't sure she'd find.
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Ophelia Mayspring is a creation from my own mind; Marvel and Emilie Autumn hold no affiliation with myself and I am making no profit from this.