Am at
lofro's! And just caught up MASSIVELY on my flist. Two things:
Get a Pagan historian on the Daily Show! The link goes to E's post on the subject, but the summary: a "historian" named David Barton has made headlines recently arguing that the Constitution doesn't afford freedom of religion to Muslims, Pagans, or anyone else he doesn't like. Jason Pitzl-Waters is, among other awesome credentials, the author of the Pagan blog
Wild Hunt and has been deconstructing Barton's arguments to the last detail.
E and I watched Dr. Who and I feel a little less AFLKJSLKDF; about the opening two-parter on the second viewing, although still: WHAT. We have started taking turns bouncing crack theories off each other, including: Amy is pregnant with a TARDIS, Rory is a Time Lord, the Time Child is Susan Foreman, etc. A lot of this has been me fanwanking over the timelines, because apparently Amy had grounds to suspect she got pregnant while aboard the TARDIS, which means she's at least two, if not three months along when they meet up at the lake--shouldn't she have some semi-conclusive proof by then? Does she not know how to pee on a stick? But of course, by the end of the first episode everybody except maybe the Doctor has been potentially mindfucked by the Silence, so who knows...
We also watched "Curse of the Black Spot." Isn't that the same writer who did "The Blind Banker" for Sherlock? Did he seriously forget an entire pirate? ::facepalm:: Still an okay episode, but I'm starting to wonder if Rory is going to end up being the Whoniverse equivalent of Daniel Jackson...and if anybody in the room when they filmed the CPR scene knew anything about actual CPR...
Sanctuary people: I'm watching "Metamorphosis" and "Wingman" tonight while E is at work. Expect reaction posts forthwith.