Bill Bryson on sick Dean (kinda)

Jun 11, 2012 14:04

From At Home:

Even more lethal and widely feared was yellow fever. A viral disease, it was called yellow fever because the skin of victims often turned sallow. The real symptoms, however, were high fever and black vomit. Yellow fever came into America aboard slave ships from Africa. The first case was in Barbados in 1647. It was a horrible disease. A doctor who got it said it felt "as if three or four hooks were fastened onto the globe of each eye and some person, standing behind me, was dragging them forcibly from their orbits back into the head."

Oh Deeeeean.

How would that have gone, do you think? If those had been amongst his symptoms in "Yellow Fever"? What awesomenesses would Sam have committed to make him feel better?

/shame at trivializing human suffering

supernatural, hurt!sick!dean

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