Title: Infernal Debt, Seventeen: Separate Worlds
Author: Mel aka
mad_about_danGenre: Gen
Rating: PG-13, violence and cursing.
Timeline: Post-No rest for the wicked
Wordcount: 1954
Disclaimer: Nope, I do not own the boys or Supernatural. It belongs to the CW, WB and Eric Kripke.
Summary: It has been a month since Dean's death and Sam has had to find the stenght
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Comments 6
Oh no, Dean knows he can't go into the church, he still wants to hide that he's turning into a demon. Where is he going?
And this black smoke that is not possessing Sam but is making him cough blood, what does it mean?
Time is running out so fast now, I can't wait to know what will happen next, please update soon.
I'm really glad you've liked it, hun, thanks for always reading *hugs you tight* I'll probably update sooner this time... specially since I took so much between chapters this time ;D
Thanks for the support, sweetie!
Um.... not complaining here, more like whining..
I can't read this. Not that I don't WANT to read it, but i CANNOT read it. There's just something about the coloring some LIVE JOURNAL users .. um.. use. LOL.. Especially when the font is weird, or the color of the font is too close to the background color upon which it appears .. well, it give me a friggin headache to read and ..
I WANNA READ! Excuse my erros on this review.. I'm even having a hard time seeing this!
Dude, so not your fault. I'm just getting old and the eyes are shit. So.. ffnet is usually a great place for old... um.. aging eyesight to read, at least mine, anyway. Or do you have somewhere else you post that I could look at?
I love hurt-Dean stories and wanna read! BADLY!
If it doesn't work I suggest you copy the text and paste it in Word maybe you can read it more clearly there =) Hope I could help.
I've been waiting for this one for a moment.
You're so talented! I really love your fic.
I really think you're the best to write Supernatural fics!
Thanks again! You're Wonderful!
Wow thanks *blushes* that's really flattering!
No, Thank YOU for reading, hun *hugs you tight*
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