Book #3: Darkest Mercy

Mar 23, 2011 11:49

1. Summarize the book without giving away the ending.
In the fifth and final Wicked Lovely book, we shift from character to character as they attempt to stop the possible war that Bananach is attempting to start. All four of the courts have to deal with conflict as Bananach gains followers, and alliances shift.  There are also a number of other storylines that are included in the book. Aislinn must learn to rule the Summer Court after Keenan vanishes; Keenan has to learn to balance (or find a compromise between his role as Summer King and his love for Donia. Donia, as the only stable court, has to ready her forces while trying to prevent war while coming to terms with her relationship with Keenan. Niall, Irial, Seth, Sorcha, and other characters that were in previous books are also in DM, and play a very prominent roles, but discussing their story lines would be a giveaway.

2. What do you think of the cover?
Love it. It's very reminiscent of Wicked Lovely.  The color are amazing.  I still want to know what that flower on the cover is, as it is supposed to have some significance.

3. From whose point of view is the story told?
  • Niall
  • Keenan
  • Aislinn
  • Donia
  • Seth
There are other characters from previous books that make an appearance (one of which I was absolutely thrilled by). Appearances include: Far Dorcha (new), Iriall, Devlin, Sorcha, Gabriel, Chela, Evan, and some of the Summer Girls.

4. What did you think of the main character?

Lol. There were multiple main characters. I loved Aislinn in this book.  I felt like she was back to her old-self.  In FE, she seemed so lost and out of it. Understandable considering she was adjusting to her role as Summer Queen and fighting her instinctual attraction to Keenan. Add to that the fact that Seth disappeared... it's understandable she'd be a nervous, clingy, emotional wreck. But in this book, she definitely laid down the law once Keenan returned. And at the end of the book, she truly owned up to her role.

Keenan. Jeez, I've had a strong dislike of him since WL, and IE and FE made me out right hate his *ss. DM reallly made Keenan a more sympathetic and relatable character.  And his talk with Donia once he gives up his throne really won me over.  Kudos for him on figuring out wth was up with Niall.

I felt like Seth didn't have much to do in this book. Being locked in a cage will do that. Once the whole reveal on his being a seer comes out, I can totally understand Niall's utter contempt for him.

Niall was amazing. I'm such a fan of breakdowns, and his was crazy, awesome, and depressing.  Once Irial dies, I felt genuinely bad for him.  I mean, they were just starting to work/figure things out! His scene at the end of the book with Bananach though... I want the movies to do it justice.

5. Was location important to the story? Was the time period important to the story?
Aside from the fact this whole series is set in Huntsdale, I suppose. Huntsdale is where all the courts have been set up. Aside from that, not really.  The time period's importance depends.

6. What did you like the most about the book? The Least?
What I liked most: Niall's scene right after Irial dies. I had no idea what was happening, until it struck me once Niall ordered the doors and windows locked. His fight with Bananach was good.  And locking Seth up.  I guess all his scenes then? Keenan talking to Donia. Keenan talking to Leslie and Niall. IDK why I found that hilarious.

The Least: Nothing. I loved this book from cover to cover.

7. Share a quote or two from the book.

8. Share a favorite scene from the book.

9. What was the book's central question, and how was it answered?
How will the four courts prevent War?
Will they be able to kill Bananach?

10. Did you like the way the book ended?
Absolutely. I had NO complaints.  It ended perfectly, but without giving everyone their sugar-coated, pain-free happily ever after.

11. Did you learn something new from the book?
In terms of plot and character development.  A few new words here and there. (I wrote them down somewhere...)

12. Would you recommend this book? How would you rate it?
READ IT. Read the other 4 WL novels and the short stories first though.  Unlike the previous books, this one should not be hopped right into.

On Characters:

1. How did the main character change during the novel?
They learned to make sense of their respective relationships.  Keenan learned to stop letting his duties as SK from keeping him with Donia.  Aislinn learned to take charge, and put her duties first. I think Niall learned more about himself, and the cruelty he is capable of.  He always tried to avoid letting the DC get to him. In previous books, he acted as if being himself and being the king were different and could be kept separate. I think this just proves him wrong.  Granted, his actions were a result of his grief, and the dream-sharing thing, but still, he locked up Seth in a cage.  And he went all psycho on his court.

2.; Which character do you like the most and why? The least and why?
  Once more: Irial (never change), Keenan (oddly enough) and Aislinn (nice to see you back).

3. Were the characters and their problems believable?

Thoughts/Questions?: I forgot all about trying to do Q&A/Summaries for each book I read this year! The third book I've read on my own time was Melissa Marr's Darkest Mercy, the fifth Wicked Lovely novel.  Melissa Marr is brilliant, writing four novels with different characters and diverging storylines that all culminate in this novel.  The POV shifts from chapter to chapter. It's surprising it doesn't feel hectic, forced, or confusing; it actually blended in very well.  Normally when I read books with shifting POV's, I get peeved because we no longer see what the previous character is doing (or did) and it feels to abrupt. It was nicely done. The events in the book had my jaw dropping constantly, including my freak-out during one of the character's demise. You could see it coming a mile away, but the fact she did off this character... unexpected. I didn't think she'd do it. The ending was also perfect, in the sense that most characters got their happy ending (or the closest thing to it). 


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