Hello everyone. I'm new to the community, but I started to read the Beats seriously about a year ago. I am entranced by the whole lot of them, and I've learned more about writing from them than I did in 4 years of college. Anyway, I thought I'd share some poems with you first, talk more later. ( one-sided conversations )
My husband had a dream a couple of nights ago that both him and I met Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg. We were talking to Jack Kerouac; we found him somehow and were in his house. He was a totally normal guy and wasn't famous yet. We were smiling at each other but they had no idea why we were so excited to be talking to them. At some point, Allen
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four days of four hour sessions and many scrapped notes and I wrote a poem after DiPrima. feedback on this entirely welcome. Kept some orginal DiPrima lines from Brass Furnace in italics but these points of connection seem to be lost in lj formatting
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Wow, I'm trembling. I read Memoirs of a Beatnik a couple of years ago but this is actually the first time I've read DiPrima's poetry. Fuck, i'm floored. I love this woman's voice, the angles of her observations and the silence around them
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".. as though he's not followed the sound of my heart from the moment I left him." -erickson -----------and the temple is not a building
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Ooops accidently deleted that last entry. I've taught my two-year-old Japanese students to say "ooops." I think it's my abbreviation for "such is life"; ) Missing those little angels, home sick from work today. But here's my entry point into the world today. This was the beginning of a graphic novel that my friend Jon and I undertook a couple
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