yeah I do. I mash patterns together and alter historical patterns to make my own individual stuff. But the kicker is, I do it all by hand because I hate using a sewing machine. I find handsewing really relaxing. I'm currently working on a early corset pattern that I've put a 50's style peplum on to give it that nipped in waist look. Light boning using cable ties of all things, but they are surprisingly sturdy and flexible. Sewig on a budget. And with the corset patterns you only need a small amount of fabric so I can buy the really lovely silks. This one is a mauve shot dupion silk. I'll put up pics when its done :)
I came over to suggest Marie Antonetta or the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland (it's funny see, 'cuase that's what she did to everbody else). What can I say, it's been a long day and I'm too tired to sleep. But Sauron is epicly cool, go for that!
I have too many to choose from, lol. I was thinking marie antoinette, and then of course there were the annes and janes and Henry's whims. I was going to go for Anne boleyn but she had 6 fingers and the dummy has no hands....
Comments 8
I think that is a yes. Oh I like it. I like it a lot!!!
I have too many to choose from, lol. I was thinking marie antoinette, and then of course there were the annes and janes and Henry's whims. I was going to go for Anne boleyn but she had 6 fingers and the dummy has no hands....
we name everything in this house.
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