I really, really like this show; probably my favourite thing that's on right now.
-Ruta Gedmintas, what is a nice Lithuanian girl like you doing in Borgia Rome? This will probably not end well for you!
-I am getting to be ridiculously in love with the guy who plays Cesare; may need to investigate other things he's been in.
-I am also pretty fond of Cesare himself! I, um, kind of want a crack AU where he and Giulia and Mamma Borgia take Lucrezia and run off to some place where they can be free of politics and fuckery and all Pope Vetinari's nonsense. I love how much Cesare cares about Lucrezia; their scenes together are probably my favourite part of the show. His affection for her just kills me. The bits with him stripping off the church robes after the wedding and running off to bring their mother to the reception were amazing. G. Sforza needs to die horribly; I have a vague notion that history says Cesare had him killed when he stopped being useful? Given how the episode ended, I would really like to see a smack-down sooner rather than later.
-I continue to feel justified in my initial distaste for the younger (or, I guess, middle?) Borgia son.
-Don't really care about Della Rovere, though the tour of Other Important Italians Of The Day is kind of fun.
-Pope Vetinari is a terrible person, but I can't help enjoying him just because he's Pope Vetinari and kind of hilarious in his ridiculousness. It is Totally Cool for the pope to bring his girlfriend to his daughter's wedding, but her mom can't come because she used to be a courtesan! Right! Okay! His speech about how the church doesn't care about silver and gold, only about ~saving heathen souls~ was likewise hilarious. I can deal with the Catholic church so much better when no one's even pretending that it's not ridiculously corrupt and rife with hypocrisy.
-Speaking of heathen souls, Cesare's interaction with the Indian was very interesting. Have I mentioned that I kind of love Cesare?
-I feel like a creep since Lucrezia is still too young, but I, uh, kinda wish the kissing practice with Giulia had gone on longer. /o\
I haven't read the books, so I spent a lot of time trying to figure out who the hell all these million characters are and I'm sure I missed a lot of stuff. Still can't tell the youngish dark-haired guys apart, and I have no idea what anyone's name is, so this will probably be frustrating to read for anyone more familiar with the material.
-Blond guy from the Family of Blood a) looks ridiculous with that dye job/wig and b) needs to die horribly right now. Ugh.
-I feel so incredibly sorry for the blond girl, and found basically every scene she was in incredibly uncomfortable to watch. I really don't do well with vulnerable women being treated like that. Also, I hope I'm not going to be expected to root for the brother or the husband at any point, because oh man is that ever not happening.
-Could generally have done with less crude sexual stuff and fewer gross dead people and animals. I suppose they were going for the whole Gritty Realism thing, but it wasn't much fun to watch and was a bit overwhelming when I didn't know who anyone was or what was really going on.
-No strong feelings on Sean Bean, his assorted sons, or the older daughter; liked Mrs. Sean Bean and the daughter with the arrows and the helmet. The ...brother, I guess? The guy who was talking to one of the assorted sons about the wall? He seemed like he could be fun.
-Not sure what to make of the incest twins or the dwarf guy; he seemed like he could either be fun or kind of annoying.
-Apart from fretting about the blond girl, I'm not particularly invested in any of the characters so far, but I'm really curious about stuff like the culture and geography and so on. This sort of fantasy isn't really my thing, but I'm a sucker for world-building.
-The intro with the map was cool, though it had an almost steampunk sort of aesthetic that didn't quite seem to jive with the actual setting.
Overall I can't say I especially enjoyed it and I may forget to watch future episodes if I don't hear people talking about them, but I'll probably give the rest a shot if I don't forget about it.