(no subject)

Dec 25, 2011 04:10

Things that were good about this episode:
-Morgana's cleavage
-Isolde's cleavage
-Arthur's face
-Yeah, that's pretty much all I got.

-Isolde was great, wanted to keep her, decidedly unimpressed that she got killed off for basically no reason other than to make Arthur forget that he and Gwen had some issues they should, uh, maybe have talked about a little bit. Not that "someone else's girlfriend died and I am sad" isn't a totally solid basis for a marriage or anything.

-Wtf coronation but no wedding? It's not that I had any particular desire to see the wedding, but the way the show seems to be prioritising 'marrying Arthur = being queen' over 'marrying Arthur = being Arthur's wife' is really awkwardly at odds with the Wuv, True Wuv angle they try to push the rest of the time. I'd be totally down with them playing the marriage as a political one because Gwen would make a good queen, but they'd need to do that consistently rather than waffling between Arthur giving up his kingdom for her and just going through the motions so she can have the crown.

-Dear show, you really have no excuses for completely failing the Bechdel test in an episode that had three women in it, two of whom were in the same place for the majority of the episode.

-I saw this plot before, only they were calling it 3x13 then, and Merlin managed to restore Arthur's confidence without making up a bunch of malarkey and flagrantly lying to him. Apart from maybe that early exchange about the caves, did Merlin say anything that was entirely true to Arthur in this episode?

-So... the dragon went to find the people of Camelot in the woods, and then did what, exactly? Dropped a bunch of engraved invitations? 'Merlin requests the honour of your presence at his latest feat of feeding utter bullshit to Arthur, located at that sword in the stone that no one's ever taken any notice of before'? Because surely they wouldn't all have been that chill if the creature last seen trying to burn Camelot to the ground came to herd them along to a random clearing in the woods.

-Nice to see Arthur and Morgana finally face each other, would've been a lot more powerful if this hadn't been the first time in two years that they made any effort to connect series 3&4 Morgana to series 1&2 Morgana.

-Dear Merlin, if you know how to do voodoo to sap Morgana's powers, why didn't you do that before she took over Camelot? Oh, right, for the same reason that it never occurred to you to use your mind control spell for making Uther repeal the magic ban, or making Agravaine reveal himself to Arthur, or for anything else other than fucking with your supposed best friend in a time of crisis. Right.


series 4, my feelings let me show you them, merlin

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