Today(my sunday)I was out taking care of errands- helpful when days off coincide with paydays- and I was at Trader Joe's. As I'm putting the groceries in the car, I decide " I've got a little time, and a little money left,... I think I'll get a drink from Coffee Bean and relax for a minute!"
So, I wander over... and notice that the Coffee Bean is right next to a fish market. So, I picked up a shrimp cocktail made with gi-normous mutant shrimp, and grab myself a cup of iced morroccan mint tea. Mmmm. I know you're all jealous.
So, I sit and eat. And notice someone's annoying whining rat-dog in a fluffy pink sweater... "maybe I should wander a little more..."
Well, I stroll around the corner and find a fabulous little cookware shop! Yay!!! As I'm looking around, I realize they also offer cooking classes... reasonably priced cooking classes! That are hands on!!! (Damn! I wish I made more money!)
I picked up some chocolate molds (Under $3! Score!) and a list of their class offerings. *drool* So coming back!
And I continue to walk (the groceries can wait). I turn the next corner and spy a cute little day spa. Something I've always wanted to try... so I went to check it out. Again, reasonably affordable, and totally beautiful! Each room smelled better than the next, and the good jujus... *sigh*... another place I need to get back to, when I can save up enough.
Not that it could get any better, but right across the path is a yummy-looking sushi place!
How could this get much better? (without spending idiotic amounts of money?!)
I found myself walking past an attractive, rustic flower shop. And notice that they are selling purple roses for less than $2 a pop! Sold!
Thus my mini-window-shopping-escape ended. Back to traffic and chores and putting away groceries; but I feel like I've had a great day!
Damn, I'm glad I decided to stop and take a minute for me!