On Impetus

May 10, 2009 20:41

I had plans for today, really. I think I was going to try and make it to this comics thing that was happening downtown. So I got up, made breakfast, showered and got dressed, and was all ready to execute these plans. And then my impetus did this.

(After I drew this, part of me asked why my impetus has a tail. To which another part of me immediately answered, "For balance." Obviously.)

So I took a nap on the couch instead. I mean, that's not all I did today. But it's as memorable as anything else I did today. I think it was probably needed at this point, though. I've had a pretty busy few weeks, which I hope explains the rather long absence from LJ. I don't remember all what kept me so busy, although the almost-last-minute trip to Ottawa in April stands out, as well as a few get-togethers with various folks. But this weekend is still pretty fresh in my memory, so I'll recount that.

On Friday, Teya, Joe and I went out for some 50s dancing, which was tragically cut short by a power outage at the venue. So we ended up at a late-night sushi place having all-you-can-eat sushi at 1:30 in the morning. It had to happen, really. Then on Saturday, I saw Coraline in 3D with Anna and Rod, which was followed by an extensive conversation about eye strain, and then by hanging out at my place with Teya and Samit. We talked about ghetto baking. Ghetto cake? Ghetto cookies? It was ghetto something, and it sounded like it should be the name of a cheeky cosmetics line. Oh, and Teya brought me more awesome salt water taffy from California. I have eaten far too much of it today.

Work keeps me busy, as well. The part-time job I was doing has morphed into another part-time gig helping them out with development - which is perfect, since that's exactly what I want to be doing. And I've been told it's something that could potentially become full-time. In the meantime, though, there's the possibility of stuff on the side, too. A contact of mine suggested I do some freelance script consulting, since she'd received pitches from a few people and wanted to offer them assistance somehow. So last week, I wrote up notes on a pitch and script for someone. I didn't charge a lot, and it was quite a bit of work, but it was pretty fun. I wouldn't mind doing a few more, and then maybe upping my rate.

On top of that, the same contact also recruited me to write a synopsis for a preschool show last week, with the prospect of getting a paid job writing the full series bible. That's admittedly a little daunting, since curriculum-heavy preschool shows require a large amount of research. It would nonetheless be a pretty good job, though, if I can get it. We'll see.

So, on the whole, I continue to do well. May is lovely, and there are trees with pink blossoms outside my building now. I think I should try to get outside more, before it gets too hot. Maybe another day, when I have more impetus.
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