Can't believe I haven't even discussed this shit with Zaraki-taichou. Maybe it's better that way. He always said to do what you want. Well. I guess this is what I want.
Fuck, I hope so.
Haven't told Yumichika either. Hell is going to be raised. I can feel it.
I'll probably beat myself up over this one way or another, but I've sat on it long enough. I'm just not the kind of guy that can sit here any longer while this place crumbles. Especially after what happened the other day at that Invitation. Toushirou-taichou is probably beating himself up over that. Really shouldn't. Ain't his fault Gin is a bastard. No idea what the hell is up with that Espada. Don't seem like the type to do that kind of thing, looks more lazy than Houzukimaru.
He thinks I'm doing the right thing. Telling people. I friggen hate this life right now, but-
Well. Someone's gotta do it. We're still gonna be down seats even if the acting captains move up to be officials. May as well pull from the lower ends of the pool. Third seat ain't as important.
After that talk with Shuuhei the other day I got to thinking. He's right. Yeah. I fucking said he's right. They're all right. Renji was right YEARS ago. I'm just a-
I'm a coward.
But I really ain't, so I'm going to put my foot down and say so. I hate to say goodbye to the eleventh, but I'm calling this a lucky one. I'm not gonna die doing this. I'm gonna do what I need to to make sure no more people die, and when we win this thing and kill Aizen, I'll step down. Sounds pretty damn reasonable 'cause I am not going to die anywhere else but under Zaraki-taichou's command. So I'll do this.
I hope they put me in fifth. Rub it in that bastards face.
[Locked to Captains Only//Non-Hackable]
This probably ain't the best way to tell you this, but ah well. It gets it out.
I can use bankai.