Appears to be a normal Zanpakutou.
Hilt is hollow, filled with ointment used for blood-clotting.
Sheath used as second-hand weapon.
Nobiro Houzukimaru, Grow Demon Light.
Extends into a spear with a red tassel upon the end.
Sakero, Split.
Breaks into three, connected, sections.
Can be connected or separated at will.
"Ryuumon Houzukimaru," Dragon Crest Demon Light.
Three sections. Over sized.
Two blades, a Chinese Monk blade and Guan Dao, are the main weapons.
Blades connected by chains to a floating axe-head shaped blade.
On the axe-shape is a Chinese dragon crest.
Uses either hand-held blades or axe for attack.
Spins axe to "wake up" Houzukimaru.
In time, dragon crest turns red--shows increase in reiatsu.
Easily damaged.
Has no special property other than gaining power as battle draws on.