
Nov 27, 2008 23:07

I was oddly lucky yesterday .__.

First, I bought a new camera!

I saw a sale at work for a pink Sony Cybershot for $129, so I was like... Sure, why not .__. Sure enough, I didn't know that the sale had been going on since Sunday, so they were out of stock. They told me the Target I used to work at (ugh) had it in stock, so I called to put it on hold and drove over there.

Sure enough, it was the silver one instead, but I said that I didn't care. So the guy was like, "Well, if you're going for a silver one anyway, you might as well get a good one." So he showed me a Kodak model that was 10 megapixels versus Sony's 7. It was a bit more expensive, BUT it will drop in price on Black Friday to $88, and Target does price adjustments if something goes on sale within seven days of your purchase, you can bring in your receipt within fourteen days, and they'll refund you the difference (or something like that). So I just have to come back on Friday or Saturday and get nearly half my money back! YESSS. I was just surprised that he was so nice about it and told me about the deal, haha. He even got someone to pull the camera from the back since they had taken all the ones in stock and kept it in the back for Black Friday.

I'm still trying to get used to using it, but I notice that whenever I shoot videos, it's in .mov format instead of .avi, which... I don't really know if it's technically better or not, but I just prefer .avi for convenience's sake, and I don't have a video converter on my computer, haha.

And since I have a new one, I'll just give my mother the old one!

And then... Dir en grey concert!

Doors opened at 6:30, but the first band didn't even come on until 8 T__T Ugh.
We had gotten there around 6:10 or 15, and there was a line wrapped around the building -__-

Some pictures from before the show~

Please ignore my huge and oddly pasty face in these pictures

We stood stage left at first, so it wasn't as condensed, and we were able to stand pretty close to the stage. But uh... When the first band came on, they were totally metal or something, and my ears have never hurt so much from a live performance before -__-

The Human Abstract photos (Nothing impressive, mostly me trying to figure out camera settings before Dir en grey came on, haha)

And a few more in between bands photos...

I promise I wasn't giving the finger... My V-sign just got cut off, haha

And then... Dir en grey came on!

Very good show overall. I really enjoyed it, probably because they also played older songs THAT I ACTUALLY COULD SING ALONG TO, so it made me happy, haha. My inner junior high/high school self was just jumping for joy.

I wouldn't be able to tell you the set list because my memory is basically shot, and I feel like a noob because if it's a song I don't like or listened to repeat in the past, I don't care for the song title .__. I can tell you that they opened with "OBSCURE," which was glorious. And they also played "Grief," possibly after that, but I didn't figure it out until I got home and started listening to them... I recognized the "FUCK YOU" part, obviously ¬__¬

Uh... Moshers suck ass because I'm just so weak on my feet or whatever and can't shove them back with any effect. But I guess because of them, we shifted towards the middle front and got a somewhat better view.

And there was this bitch who thought she looked cute with her pink/orange hair and skirt that was too poofy for a concert and ninja-ed her way right in front of me .__. I know there's no such thing as personal space during a concert, but SHE WAS DEFINITELY WAY TOO CLOSE TO ME. And whenever she would gyrate to the music, IT WAS ABSOLUTELY IRRITATING WHENEVER SHE WOULD RUB UP AGAINST ME. UGH.

And... I was a bit surprised I didn't see any poorly dressed lolis (or any at all), but there were a lot of like... decora/goth fusions, which weren't very cute at all. And there was a girl who wore a fishnet top with just a bra underneath. I DON'T KNOW HOW SHE COULD GO OUT OF THE HOUSE THINKING THAT'S ATTRACTIVE.

And of course, even though I wore tall boots in hopes that I could see, I forgot that Dir en grey attracts a certain crowd who also loves to wear tall boots of a different style, so I would still be at a huge disadvantage to see. This was my view the whole time if I didn't hold the camera above my head:

Anyway. Pictures and videos.

There's Kyo and his... little self. Throughout the concert, if he wasn't standing up on whatever that he was standing on, he would just kind of disappear, HAHA. But I'm also not of average height, so -__-

And you can barely see Toshiya and his HAIR THAT'S GROWING BACK

I couldn't get a clear shot of Shinya during the concert, but he was wearing a wife beater. Which thoroughly amused me.

As for videos, they're not of amazing quality (obviously), and because of my wonderful height again, I got a lot of arms waving in the air in my way. I'm not putting these on Youtube because I don't really want to share them (they're not worth sharing to the world, I think), so... yeah.

Also, you can hear Tran and me whoo-ing sometimes... Oops.

Movie #1
I honestly don't remember what song this is -__- I was just testing out how the video worked on my camera, LOL

Die and his glorious self. I'm so glad we were standing stage left. (Guess who my favorite is.)
He was also wearing a wife beater... HAHA

I totally LMAOed when Kyo just kind of went RAWWWERWERRRRRRRRR and violently took off his jacket. I half expected it though, just because... It's Kyo.

Movie #2
I was being an idiot and held my camera sideways -__- If you're on a laptop, I suppose you can turn it to the right 90 degrees .__.

ryoujoku no ame

Kyo's good three minutes of his screaming nonsense. Kristen and I have established that he was digivolving. KYOMON DIGIVOLVE TO... METALKYOMON RRRRAWRRR;LJASDFKL;JA D;L

Movie #3
I don't know if you can tell in this clip, but Kyo just kind of started dancing. Like a mini cobra.

I was able to get most of the song but not the view, haha .__.

YAY ;w;

Come take pictures of me, bb

Merciless Cult
I couldn't recognize the song until the middle of it... orz

I'm so glad Kyo stands up on a box or whatever... I CAN ACTUALLY SEE

Movie #4
I forgot what this was

Repitition of Hatred
I only recognized this song because even though I disliked it, it was after "THE PLEDGE" on the CD, so I recognized the beginning, haha


I think by now, you can tell that I was getting tired, ROFL. I was definitely the obnoxious bitch with the camera, BUT IT COMES IN HANDY. Also by now, I think another fucking mosh pit happened, and now I was stuck behind a girl who kept doing snake movement with her arms (DID SHE REALLY THINK THAT WAS COOL BECAUSE IT TOTALLY WASN'T) and two girls who were REALLY TALL SO WHENEVER THEY LEANED IN TO KISS, THEY WOULD ALWAYS FUCKING BLOCK MY VIEW

Movie #5
I forgot what this was. I'd turn up the volume, BUT MY MOTHER THINKS IT'S TOO LOUD

I think this is "saku." It's rather muffled, and I was pissed that people kept getting in my way when I was recording because it's one of my favorite songs -__-


I didn't get a picture of Kaoru because he was on the other side of the stage all the time -__- In the end, he did come towards the other side, BUT I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH TALL PEOPLE

I want to say they played "INCREASE BLUE" as their last one, which surprised me a bit because I thought they saved their most popular song or so for the last, and I didn't think "INCREASE BLUE" was that popular? .__. Whatevs.

And then all, or most, of the members sprayed us with their water bottles. You know, I never thought I'd live to see the day when I could say that I was splashed by Dir en grey.

Then! Then!


He was throwing picks to the audience, and I FELT SOMETHING HIT MY HEAD
And I was like, "WTF WAS THAT"
So I turned around
Not only did I get a pick, IT WAS FROM MY FAVORITE MEMBER ;A;

Then they Die and Kaoru came out to sign CDs. (Kaoru's hair kind of seem girly, BUT THAT'S OKAY)
They said that they would only sign CDs, but I... I slyly handed Die the pick, and he was like, "Oh!"
And I was like ;w;
And he signed his name in hirigana on the pick ROFL
And now I'm typing like a fangirl and am ashamed, so I will stop .__.

It was suggested that I turn it into a necklace, but knowing me, I will probably just keep it in a box, ROFL

On our way back to the DART train~

Then we ate at IHOP, and I went home and chilled with my bunny.



dir en grey, concert, photos

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