Well, it appears that I'm doing this by stages again, and I'm going to make an effort to finish this today, but we know how that goes...
So I believe I left off with me having a party in my room -- go fig! -- and shall pick it up with
dinner on Thursday night.
Once we all realized we were hungry, we gathered up the group, which consisted of around 15 people at this point, and headed out into the night to find something to eat. Rod led the group, and I have to say he walks really, really fast, which means my old lady butt was straggling. Even though I was walking rather slowly, we managed to lose Gary on the way to the restaurant, and because we made a sudden turn off 7th Avenue, we didn't meet up with Reluco (Renato) like we were supposed to.
Rod chose a place called Ellen's Starlight Grill. This place was very cool -- 50s style diner with singing wait staff, great American fare and loads of fun. They did manage to get us all at one table, right smack in the middle of the room, and proceeded to mess with us during their performances, which was fun. The first part of dinner was spent trying to find our lost lambs -- Gary had no cell phone, so we called everywhere we could think of (including his hotel) and left messages everywhere. Reluco also had no phone, so both Rod and KyraB went back over to 7th Avenue, thinking they might be able to spot the lost Stoners, but neither had any luck. So we went back inside and ate our dinners, and eventually Gary checked in -- he'd stopped to get a pack of cigarettes without mentioning it to anyone, realized he didn't need them, then turned around to find everyone had disappeared. Reluco somehow managed to hook up with us -- I think Kyra found him wandering around close to the corner where we turned and returned to the grill with him in tow.
Dinner was excellent. I had quiche and salad, which seemed to be a popular choice among the ladies in the group. One of the waitresses decided that Scott was the person to sing "Mama Mia!" to, so she grabbed him up from the table, sang to him, paraded him around the restaurant, and rewarded him with a kiss for being a good sport afterwards. While this was going on, Rod called Stonecat and told her, "Hey, we got really lucky -- some guy gave us all tickets to see Mama Mia!" When she said, "Get outta here! Really?," Rod responded in the affirmative and held up the phone for her to hear. She said that it took her about another minute to realize that she could hear people talking in the background, too, hence he must be pulling her leg. I'm sitting right across the table from him and missed the whole thing -- she had to tell me about it the next morning.
Thursday night after dinner was pretty much a repeat of Friday night, with a few more bodies added to the mix. We'd managed to acquire gargoyle (who left before dinner) and Flinker (who went to dinner with us) during the day on Thursday, and had a great time with them. While chatting in the Lovely Lemming Sisters' room, I mentioned that Scott had recommended a truly awful movie to me by the name of Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter. Flinker said he owned that movie, so I asked if he'd be willing to loan it to me for perusal while I was in the city. And he did -- brought it to me the next day. Did I get to watch it? NO!
We stayed up just a bit later on Thursday, until around 4:00 am. Cat was long gone; I stumbled in as quietly as possible and laid myself down...
One of the reasons Cat and I make good roommates is that we're both early risers. Cat gave me time on the computer while she went out to walk around near the television stations -- she'd told her son to look for her on the morning shows, and managed to get on camera on TWO of them so that he could see her. AND she'd gotten to see Simon and Garfunkel the night before when she went to the Letterman taping. I'm really, really glad that she got to do that -- I think it really enhanced her trip. I gave myself a nice Wow-Wow facial (thanks again to Dark & Kinky), and by the time she wandered back, I was more or less ready to face the day.
We went up to the Concierge Lounge for breakfast and found Dark and Kinky already there. As we ate breakfast, we talked about our plans for the day and discovered that we'd all pretty much planned to do the same thing. So we decided we'd make a group of it, and called Gary to join us. While we were waiting for him to arrive, the Frogs showed up -- Frogmistress (Mo) and Frogmaster (Steve) are two of my favorites, and we hadn't seen each other in several years. They joined us on our excursion into the city, and we all went out to explore.
We wandered near Central Park, as I'd been there two days and hadn't had a glimpse of it at all, then headed out to Rockefeller Center and the FAO Schwartz there. Seven Stoners in a toy store -- don't you *know* we had a good time. The in-store magician did some tricks for Cat and Frogmistress and me, and he was quite good, but was faced with women who knew his tricks. We bought nothing, but had a nice time chatting with him. Gary contemplated buying a very large stuffed penguin but changed his mind when he saw the price tag -- and this was after he'd made them get it from a display on the escalator. I bought some candy and a little notepad with Batz Maru on it, which I think for me showed remarkable restraint.
As we were wandering down toward Tiffany's (where I did *not* eat my breakfast out of a paper bag, as I'd planned -- guess I'll have to do that next trip), my phone started ringing. It didn't quit. By the time we'd gotten to Radio City Music Hall, where we were to catch the subway out to the Village, I'd determined that I was IT for the day -- apparently, since Matt was working, people were calling me to see what was happening. So I went with the Frogs back to the hotel, where they got checked into Stoner Central. While they were checking in, LisaMaesie called, and I told her where we were and how to get there. She had brownies, great brownies -- she frosts them with cherry icing and then another layer of dark chocolate, mmmmmmmmm.
The group began gathering in Stoner Central, and the six of us there went across the street to the Park Diner (I think that was the name of the place), where Kerry and Doug had told me they'd had a lovely breakfast, to have a spot of lunch. And it was tasty, the service was prompt and efficient, and I became considerably less bitchy about having missed going out to Greenwich Village. After lunch, we returned to the hotel and lay about Stoner Central waiting for everyone else to arrive and contemplating what we were going to do that evening.
I went back to my room around 5:00 to spramp up and decompress a bit. Do I get to have any alone time? Of course not. As soon as I hit the room, the phone started ringing -- just like the day before -- and in no time, I have another three Stoners in my room with me again. Castrophel had arrived, Cat had returned from the village, and Gwynn came over to let me work on her legs a bit. We had a good thing going there -- I'd feed her energy from time to time, and she fed me Vicodin from time to time. Both our legs felt better because of it. :)
I finally ran everyone out so I could change clothes in peace, and we gathered up in the lobby for our one pre-gathering mass excursion -- a night viewing of the city from the top of the Empire State Building.