Feeling so much right now, thoughts are racing by like a car you saw speeding by and thought what the fuck.... Anyway I am happy to report that alot was found out tonight. I found a thought in my mind that thought there is nowhere safe. what are we all becoming? Products of a machine we thought could never create something as cool as you or me. Is
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Comments 9
i don't really believe there is anything to rebel against anymore. Some think the current war is a way to rebel--but what are we doing? going out into the streets with our picket signs and shouting Vietnam-era anti war slogans? Sure, stopping traffic for an hour is going to do a lot!
Enviromentalist groups rebel against polluting industries by burning them down and against animal cruelty by setting animals free that will just die in the wilderness anyway.
I think rebellion and hypocracy are one and the same now a days.
Why am i typing all this to someone that's not going to read it:P
i'm done.
That's not making a difference. I hate interest groups--especially green peace and PETA.
I guess my point should have been better worded, sarcasm doesn't flow over the internet.
I'm not one for influencing the youth. I think the youth of america can make their own decisions. I know i never needed a fancy organization to choose my political leanings(as if i have any political sway! ha! i'm a swing vote.)
There is no changing politics until you get a leader that's willing to change. No Teddy Roosevelts this day in age. No FDRs to get us through a tough time. Just politicians going for the big money.
I was excited my entire life to vote in this election--and now i see the b.s. candidates we have running? kerry or bush? or Nadar? i'm ashamed to be an american when we have sorry sad people like that running for our highest office.
Tyler, WA
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