Indie, I love you.........

Jun 13, 2005 10:07

Madcap will be playing this Thursday, June 16th at The Scene in Glendale. This is part of an Indie 103.1 sponsored Month there. Joe Sib's "Complete Control" show will be there hanging out and giving away free Indie 103.1 merchandise. Also playing are The PSychotics and VCR. The Show is unfortunately 21 and up but is free before 10 pm and 5 dollars ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

anonymous November 23 2005, 17:01:55 UTC
man you guys are my favorite band and all but you guys dont keep up on shit you guys stall on the store because it still says comming soon for like 1 year now, and you guys hardly ever play come down to arizona you can play at my fucking house for all i care write me back at


you guys are aweome pencapjew January 10 2006, 00:57:58 UTC
you guys are so fuckin good even my four year old brother digs you guys! I listen to Under Suspicion all the time - really great record. good job. you neeeed to post something more. maybe a new song?


gayman45 February 3 2006, 19:35:48 UTC
I must agree with that. ^_^;


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