So, last night, for want of anything else to do, I was searching Getty Images for pretty pictures. I found 'em.
Now I have to suppose that every big star did a blackface stunt in the movies back then. It's just depressing that one of the greatest directors had to stoop to that shit for the $$$$. It's really odd, too, because the movie he did it in, Tempête, seems like it would have had everything going for it and isn't a musical, so I don't know why the blackface is even there. The cast also features Arletty, Dalio, and Julien Carette (my personal favorite; Il est très sexy). Apparently it also has Stro in blackface and is possibly a piece of garbage. I started laughing uncontrollably when I saw the picture, because it was seriously the LAST THING I EXPECTED TO SEE, and it's like WELP I GUESS EVERYONE DID BLACKFACE!, but it started to get depressing after I thought about it too much. Anyhow, I'm sure to watch it if I somehow come across a copy (highly unlikely).
For comparison, here's what dude looked like 20 years prior, when he was still directing and looked hawt:
That's his wife sitting by him (fattiez represent). What is that dress oh my god.