Telecourse: Introduction to Psychology
Spring 2009
Instructor: Rhonda Failey, M.Ed., Sp.S.Psy., Office: BE351, email:
Psych. Dept. Phone#: 797-5044 Psych. Dept. Fax #: 798-4171
Office Hours: MWF 10:00 - 11:00 am, MW 4:00 - 5:00
TR 12:30 -2:00 p.m. and 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.,
(Other times by appointment)
Exam #1: Ch. 1-4 plus videos #1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 25 Due on February 9th, by 5:00 pm
Exam #2: Ch. 5-6 plus videos # 5, 6, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18 Due on March 9th, by 5:00 pm
Exam #3: Ch. 7-10 plus videos # 7, 12, 13, 14, 15 Due on April 6th, by 5:00 pm
Exam #4: Ch. 11-14 plus videos # 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 Due on May 4th, by 5:00 pm
Class meets ONCE on:
Monday, January 12, 2009 - meet to discuss class guidelines, criteria
Course Description: Psychology 152: Introduction to Psychology, 3cr.
An introduction to the understanding, prediction, and control of human behavior.
Required Text: Zimbardo, P. G., Johnson, R.L., & McCann, V. (2009). Psychology: Core Concepts (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.
Contacting me:
There are two ways to reach me:
1) Send an email to Because I have 250+ students per semester and I will seldom recognize you by your email address alone, and a courteous, respectful message will be much more favorably received, there are certain criteria you must follow if you expect a reply from me:
** The subject line of your email should say: Psyc 152 Telecourse
** Begin the email with the salutation: Ms. Failey,
** Write your message using correct grammar and spelling. Do NOT send me a “text” message.
** Close your message with your FULL name.
2) Come by my office during the office hours listed at the top of this syllabus, or ask to make an appointment for another time.
I do not have voice mail, so it’s not possible for you to leave a message on my office phone.
VERY IMPORTANT: It is your responsibility to check your LSUS student email account on a regular basis. Most of my messages will be in the form of a post on Moodle. By default, any message I post on Moodle will also be sent to your student email account. Occasionally, I have the need to contact you on an individual basis and this will be done through your LSUS student email account. If you miss an important message from me, particularly one with a specific deadline, you have no recourse. If I initiate an email to YOU it will go to your LSUS email account. If YOU send ME an email that requires a reply, I will answer to the email address you wrote from.
This course, Psychology 152, and the College of Education and Human Development are dedicated to promoting skills which enable lifelong learning for professional growth, and providing an environment in which people develop and discover their potential. For further information please see the College of Education and Human Development website at: Course Objectives:
To gain an understanding of the functions of the brain and its relationship to behavior, the ethical standards for the use of psychotherapy, the characteristics of the speaker, the message, and the listener as they affect persuasion, the role of health psychology in the workplace, sensation and perception, characteristics of good intelligence tests, the contrast between nature and nurture, and the humanistic, psychoanalytic and social learning theories of personality. This course strives to increase students’ understanding of themselves and others and to teach skills which can help them to improve the condition of society. These goals are undertaken following standards outlined by the American Psychological Association.
Teaching Strategies:
This course will utilize online streaming videotaped lecture segments in place of a regular face-to-face instructor. Moodle will be used for communication between the instructor and the students and for posting online assignments/quizzes. Using Moodle is a REQUIRED component of this course. If you do not have a computer at home, you can go to one of the many computer labs on campus, or to the library, to check for announcements, your grades, and to watch the streaming videos. It is your responsibility to check Moodle on a regular basis.
Evaluation Method:
Exams 4 @ 200 points each = 800
Total Points Possible = 800
Please Note: There is NO extra credit opportunity in this class.
These are the steps you will need to follow to access the streaming videos.
1. Go to
2. Scroll down to “Individual Program Descriptions”
3. To the right of the first episode, click on VoD
4. You will need to establish a sign in and password
5. Once you have established the sign in and password, you are automatically sent back to the Individual Program descriptions. Click on VoD to the right of the program you want to watch.
Each exam will be posted on Moodle and you can read the questions from Moodle or print a paper copy. Each exam will consist of 200 multiple-choice questions, and you will record the answers to the test questions on the specified scantron sheet which you will need to bring to my office on/or before the due date of the exam. All exams are due by 5:00 p.m. and I WILL NOT accept late arrivals under any circumstances. All exams are open-book. You will have 7 days to complete each exam. Below is a calendar, listing when each exam will be available on Moodle and the deadline for turning it in to me. At the top of each scantron you must write the exam number. e.g., “Exam #1”, “Exam #2”, etc. (The exams are NOT taken online on Moodle)
Exam Date Posted on Moodle Date due in my office
Exam #1 Monday, February 2nd February 9th, by 5:00 p.m.
Exam #2 Monday, March 2nd March 9th, by 5:00 p.m.
Exam #3 Monday, March 30th April 6th, by 5:00 p.m.
Exam #4 Monday, April 27th May 4th, by 5:00 p.m.
The scantron you will need to use is: General Purpose NCS Answer Sheet No. 229633
This scantron must be filled in using a #2 pencil. Include your last name, first name, and an ID # on each scantron, AND BUBBLE THOSE IN. The scantron machine will not score a scantron that does not have an ID #. The ID # needs to start at the far left of the ID # box and can be your student ID # or a number you make up. It can be between 4 and 10 digits long. If you use your LSUS student ID # (which starts with a letter), then bubble in a ZERO for the letter. If you make up a number, make sure it is random. DO NOT use 1111111, or 00000000, for example.
Students with disabilities:
LSUS is committed to making students with disabilities full participants in its programs, services and activities. University policy calls for reasonable accommodation to be made for students with disabilities on an individual and flexible basis. It is the responsibility of the students to make their needs known. If you have a documented disability that impacts on your academic work and for which you require accommodations, please see the Coordinator of Services to Students with Disabilities (Administration Building, Room 227, phone 797-5365) so that such accommodation may be arranged. Please make this contact by the second week of class.
Student Conduct Code: This class will follow all guidelines for student conduct as stipulated in “Student Code of Conduct” published on the LSUS website: PSYCHOLOGY 152
JAN 23rd: Read chapter one & videos 1,2
JAN 27th: Read chapter two & videos 3,4
JAN 30th: Read chapter three & videos 8,9
FEB 3rd: Read chapter four & video 25
FEB 10th: Read chapter five & videos 5,6
FEB 17th: Videos 10,11,16
FEB 24th: Read chapter six & videos 17,18
MAR 10th: Read chapter seven & video 7
MAR 17th: Read chapter eight & video 12,13
MAR 24rd: Read chapter nine & video 14
MAR 31th: Read chapter ten & video 15
APR 7th: Read chapter eleven & video 19,20
APR 14th: Read chapter twelve & video 21
APR 21th: Read chapter thirteen & video 22
APR 28th: Read chapter fourteen & video 23