OOC ⚡ Titles

Apr 03, 2010 19:42

An officer who commands a division of the Malkuth military.

They say he harvests the corpses of fallen soldiers... Is that just a rumor? Or is it real?

Father of Fomicry
Unthinkable technology, borne perhaps of restless genius. This is the cause of it all...

Insightful One
A title given to one perceptive enough to see through any story.

Soft Meanie
Sure you can be bitter, mean, nasty, sarcastic, and snide. But once in a very long while, only to those you trust, you can actually be nice.

Emperor's Best Friend
An understanding and closeness that only friends share. Although, manners seem to be lost between the closest of friends.

Gambler at Heart
There are ups and downs for everything. This title is given to one who possesses the spirit of a gambler.

Experimental Chef
Experimenting with cooking continues... The pursuit of knowledge shall never cease.

Lawbreakers shall not be forgiven. Although, it may depend on the time and situation.

Evil Fonist? | Costume Title
I do not use my fonic artes for evil. This is simply a bit of malicious mischief on the part of His Majesty.

Resort King | Costume Title
A title given to one who sits back, relaxes, and savors every moment at a resort.

Doctor Mambo | Costume Title
The glasses. The grin. You are ready to perform an experiment in the name of medicine...

Battle Master | Costume Title
Battles are won not by sword or arte alone, but by their combined might.

Abyss Blue | Costume Title
Well, well... Blue, I see...

Item Collector
The ultimate collection of collections - what all true collectors seek - is now complete... Truly marvelous.

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!titles, !elegy city, !ooc

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