When i bought my new car (used, but still nice and new), i still put stickers on it. Just ONLY on the glass part. I just couldn't have it any other way. Also, i went to the Pensauken (sp?) Mart and got a front plate made. The kind that gets spray painted on. The guy did an ok job, but i've never seen anyone else have one. Thats also something you could get to still have some 311-age on your car!
Well i had like 8 or 9 311 stickers on my old car and now i can only have one sticker on my car which is gonna be a 311 one and my dad has to approve it cause he helped me out alil with buying it, i LOVE showing my 311 support while i'm driving, my old car didn't have a thing where u could put a plate but my new one does so we'll see, it's something i've wanted to do 4 awhile jus to have, i had a shirt done like that at the beach, the guy did an o.k job and i also wanted to change my license plate to ViNo311 or like Pnut311, we shall see.
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