Jan 14, 2004 15:31
I stole this!
Recommend to me:
1. A movie.
2. A book.
3. A musical artist, song, or album.
4. An LJ user not on my friends list.
5. A Video game
6. A place to watch the sunset
7. A good place to hike
8. An internet site or 2!
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Comments 19
Book -> a book? ... Any book by Tamora Pierce or Mercedes Lackey
Music -> Run Rabbit Run - Eminem
LJ user -> deadballerina
Video Game -> What game system?
Sunset -> Anywhere in Arizona... *shrug* Sunsets aren't really my thing
Hike -> Santa Rita mountains just southeast of Tucson
Site -> www.howcool.com/vinyl-pvc/index.html
2. A book. "Sister Carrie" by Theodore Drieser
3. A musical artist, song, or album. "The American" by Angie Aparo
4. An LJ user not on my friends list. azriel_fury
5. A Video game. Mortal Kombat (I love to play it when I am tipsy!)
6. A place to watch the sunset. Sunset Beach on Treasure Island in FL (outside of St. Pete)
7. A good place to hike. Cohutta Wilderness, north of Atlanta, GA
8. An internet site or 2! www.zone.com and www.chud.com
2. "Choke" by Chuck Palanhuik
3. LuckyBoysConfusion, any of their three albums
4. moi?
5. Marrowind
6. Oswego Ny, on the lake.
7. Finger Lakes Wine Country.
8. http://www.jasoncrystal.com/monkey or... http://addictinggames.com/
2. Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. (Wizard's First Rule is book #1)
3. CKY - disengage the simulator
4. Any group journal with an interesting name
5. Hmm I can give you a bit of advice.. don't play online RPG's. online rpg = dork crack
6. Anywhere you can view it
7. Uh.. I don't hike.. I guess a park? lol
8. Since #5 sucked.. http://www.eagames.com/official/battlefield/franchise/us/home.jsp
2)Any Calvin and Hobbes
3)Sleeping In by The Postal Service
5)Any Madden
6)On the hood of your car
7)Lechworth Park
8) www.Homestarrunner.com
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