We had a productive day, even though I didn't get up until 8:30 and J didn't get until like 10. We had breakfast, got the garbage together, did dishes, then got outside and packed up all the Christmas decorations. It was that or let it rain on them again and wait for them to dry off.
I usually do a year end wrap-up post. It wasn't a fabulous year. We lost so many babies: sweet little Callie, Butch, Mr Jingles, our sweet little Sam... it never gets easier. But we gained some, too, including our Starr
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It's been a hell of a day, y'all. As I mentioned last night, J gave me his cold from hell. I managed to sleep in bed most of the night, but got up around 3:30 with my chest very tight and congested. I had some hot tea and took some mucinex
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