Title: Leaving
Author/Artist: Shoshana
maddiewolfPairing: Sam/Madison
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG
Theme: 01. The Sound of the Waves
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural...if I did, I would have had Maddie hang around for a few episodes
A/N: This is very similar to another fic on here...truth be told, this one came first, the other was written to help establish a verse for that one, but I don't think they'll run in the same pattern.
She was always soft, delicate. Always warm and sunny, even in the gloomiest of times. Sam admired that about her. It was always said that emotions came like the rolling waves. There was a certain ebb and flow to things and a certain balance.
Madison of all people believed in balances and the coming and going of things. When Sam refused to put a silver bullet through her heart and fought against the idea, she took it as a balance. What she gave up for this balance was her normal life, which she had given up upon becoming a werewolf. Rather, she gave up her comfortable life.
She stood waiting with a single bag packed, wondering what life would be like now. She would be on the road with the boys, both Sam and Dean, and wondered how long it would last with her as a third wheel. If anything, having her around might make Dean even more annoyed. He was the one against her being with them. She took up space, she was a distraction.
In all honesty, Madison would miss San Francisco, it was her home. She loved the sound of the waves when she went to the beach to walk. She loved the fairly mild weather and the big-city feel.
As the Impala pulled up, she climbed into the back, giving Sam a reassuring smile. This was the big step, the moment of no-return. She would look at it as an adventure. However, when they were still driving well into the night, Madison wasn’t sure this was her type of adventure.
She dozed off in the back with Sam, both of them stretched out on the seats. He rested under her, so that she could rest her head on his chest like a pillow. Her arms wrapped around him and his around her. Madison felt his lips on her forehead and as she drifted off the sound of the tires of the car on the road reminded her of the rolling waves.