Isn't it a lovely day?
(Sorry I didn't cut this - I forgot how. .___.'')
Like all day - I've had good and bad things happen.
Something good; On the bus this morning, there was a guy explaining a story to make him look 'bad ass' and then at the end very camp-like went "Hokay baiii~". Was very much a had to be there moment. <3
Something bad; It
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Comments 6
Nice to hear what you're up to. Do it more often for all us old folks!
Plus the artwork is good!
Hello stranger~ ;P
And I've just never really had much that I felt I /could/ talk about before.
But now I have - So yay for that~ ^^
i'm gonna try and post more often - Seen as (at least this month) I'll be doing some stuffs so~ Should be fun.
Even if hardly anyone reads/looks at my LJ. ^^;
I feel totally out of the loop these days *not* being into Animé. It seems everyone who is anyone is watching it, except me...
It's good to see you on LJ again.
I keep trying to work out how other people do art, try and imagine what they do, try it oout, see what I can do with the style and so on.
I've yet to find my /own/ art style, so a lot of my work has some common traits but not much, meh.
I am also hoping my BTEC goes well - 'Cause /should/ I fail this. I don't know what I'll do anymore. Don't think I'll be famous (though It'd undoubtedly be nice). x3
And finally - Anime/manga seems to the only thing I can get excited and enthusiastic about (along with few other little things) so if I find people who like ones I like I can actually talk about my fandoms~
I have withdrawl(sp?) symptoms if I go too long without a good old fan-squee while talking about my OTP's. xD
..It's nice to be back too. <3
I mean, sure, if you've not settled down to your own look by the age of 30, then by all means worry.
If it helps, pick someone whose work you really like, and go back through their life and works, seeing how they started off perhaps as kids, and grew into being famous. If you start with someone dead, it'll be easier.
I like Salvador Dali, so I picked him. Here is a painting he did as a child. Here's one he did as a teenager and here's one from his twenties - you can see how ( ... )
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