Promises - Life on Mars Fic

Apr 13, 2007 13:34

Title: Promises
Fandom: Life on Mars
Rating: Green Cortina
Warning: Spoilers for the last episode
Characters: Sam
Disclaimer: I don't own anything,though I'd like to own Gene's nuts. :P
Summary: What was going through Sam's mind on the roof

This was written as a challenge with Oraclesmaiden made straight after watching the finale to write Sam's thoughts on the roof.


He needed air. He couldn’t breath, couldn’t feel. It had all gotten too much, the walls were closing in.

Sam didn’t even know he was heading to the roof until he got there. He noticed some trees in the distance sway gently in the breeze only to realise he didn’t even feel that anymore. Suddenly he felt stupid, ashamed. After all he had done to get back here and he found himself spending every minute of every day thinking of them. Most disturbingly of all he couldn’t shake the feeling that he had betrayed them, imaginary or not. The thought of what he had done, how he had abandoned him swirled around his damaged mind like a cyclone destroying everything he thought he knew and any chance he had of sleep right along with it.

Then it hit him, like Gene’s Cortina to the gut, that he belonged there, with them. It was here that he didn’t belong anymore - had he ever?

They were all a part of him, tiny pieces of a magnificent whole. As he sat in his meeting he had finally realised that after policing in 1973 he just couldn’t go back to a world of psycho-analysis and tacticians. Gene - despite what he thought - wasn’t always right or by the book but he used his heart and his rather ample gut (well its feelings at least) and that was something sorely lacking today.

…they’ve got nothing to worry about. Cause you always keep your promises.

The words echoed through his head and he felt even more despicable. They had needed him and he had abandoned them contrary to his promises. Before he had was even aware of what he decided to do Sam found himself running safe in the knowledge that his mum would understand.

Legs pumping, pounding on the roof like sticks on the skin of a drum; he thought of Chris and Ray and how much he had to make up to them.

Speed and heart rate increasing he realised just how much he missed Gene; the ying to his yang, the Starsky to his Hutch. He yearned to hear that familiar gruff voice berate him, mock him…just communicate with him somehow.

Eyes ahead, mind focused it hit him just how grey and sterile 2006 really was, making him pine for the gaudy colours of 1973. He even missed his leather jacket, as supple as butter and twice as comfortable, his shoulders ached for the weight that was missing.

But most of all he thought of Annie. As he leapt from the rooftop he realised he loved her, a realisation that made him feel light, as if he was flying for just a moment.

Besides he had a promise to keep.

And if it all went tits up and he died before he had a chance to get back? Well, that was fine too because he loved her more than life itself. He was better off dead than having a cold, unfeeling existence without her.
Her name was the last thing past his lips when impact finally came.

Remember feedback is love ♥

life on mars fic, sam, sam tyler, life on mars, challenge with oracles maiden

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