→ Passive Aggressive!Verse ←

Oct 29, 2011 15:30

With starveforscotch @ fandom-smash

Every time I rise I see you falling
Can you find me space inside your bleeding heart
Every time I rise I see you falling
Can you find me space, find me space

It's in your reach
It's in your reach
If you deny this
Then it's your fault
That God's in Crisis
He's over

Captain America Panfandom AU.
Fandom Smash is a panfandom RPG community where Steve is taken mid-way through the film canon and thrown into the Nexus. He currently lives with one Tony Stark, purely professional thus far, and is set on protecting the town until he can return to his own time.

→ Thread Tracking ←


[what]: thread tracking, [rpg]: fandom_smash, [verse]: passive aggressive, [who]: tony stark || starveforscotch, [what]: ooc

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