(no subject)

Jul 20, 2007 03:47

Name: Zelos Wilder
Age: 22
Hair: red
Eyes: blue
Height: 5'10"
Weight: N/A
Series: Tales of Symphonia
Sexuality: heterosexual
Language: assumed equivalent of English

Version: template
Extra Info.: not marked
LOcated At: Noble Street, Vol House, Lower Cove


At five-feet and ten inches Zelos is just a bit taller than most women tend to be, but she kind of likes the extra height. Her figure is fit but her body has plenty of curve, which Zelos is also quite proud of. Her hair is not a solid red color that falls into semi-curls near the end as it reaches down her back and stops just above her rear. Her eyes are a light blue - similar to the sky on a clear day. She has fair, peach-ish colored skin which is unmarked with the exception of a small spiral of circles in the center of her back. Below her neck is a gold colored mount that holds a red jewel.


Initially Zelos' personality was somewhat bland. Although she would get angry, or sad, or happy, like anyone else, she rarely displayed these emotions around others as she was always surrounded by family, or people who worked for them. Instead, she was distant, cold, and uncaring - there was nobody she would ever want to get close to.

As Zelos got older, however, and she began having her "dreams", her personality changed. She was still distant, from family especially, but gradually she went about keeping this distance a different way - she joked, she was coy, and she flirted. Carefree was the way to go, and confidence made a woman sexy, so why not be? She was never more than half series about any of it, but it infuriated her family more than her silence and cold refusals ever had, and this was satisfying.

Underneath it all, Zelos is a different sort of girl.

She is an intelligent woman with a sensitive heart and a perceptive eye, who appreciates gestures and feelings when they're genuine. She can be caring towards others, it just takes some time as she doesn't trust just any old body so easily.

When her illness comes up, she does a 180 and can be severely emotional - usually unnaturally enraged or upset to the point of curling up in a ball and crying for a good hour. She may go 'mad', or enter a different frame of mind and act irrationally although, at her core, Zelos is still herself, even when these 'attacks' happen.


Two of Zelos' consistent strengths is her outward personality and her looks. She's charming! She's witty! She's gorgeous, top to bottom! and she knows it. She isn't above using her looks to get something from someone, and if it takes a bit of flirting? She's plenty fine with that too. Zelos wears this outward persona like a second skin, and is quite the liar, despite it not all being fake (hey, she does look good!). She's pretty good at reading people and knows that what people don't say can be just as important, and informative, as what they do. Body language isn't foreign to her, and she's not too shabby at picking up what others are saying with it.

A physical strength would be Zelos' swordsmanship. Over the years, she's learned how to wield a sword (preferably double-edged, because she just rolls like that) combined with a small buckler for defense. She's picked up a small number of sword techniques.

Zelos is convinced that she has also learned a number of spells during her travels with Lloyd and the others, but, despite how much she tries, has not been able to get these spells to work in her "reality". She's also got it in her head that her 'Exsphere' amplifies her natural power, giving her some strength behind her attacks and slightly heightened reaction time. She's been told that none of this is true, and she can not prove otherwise. Likewise, she's never been able to show her wings, or anything else related to her being an 'angel'.


Zelos is always more focused on speed in a battle and so has less to offer up in the strength department. Against opponents with significant raw power, she's at a clear disadvantage.

Another weak point would be the woman's bouts of 'insanity', which often put her past rationality and leave her in little condition to protect herself from much of anything, including herself. Though she always has an aversion to bright white lights, and hospitals, these become on a level of phobias to her when she's going through a fit. She also has a slight aversion towards being touched (especially grabbed or held) by men. Although she has gotten much better about this since her dreams started, it isn't recommended for any man to touch her while she's not feeling well.

Two final weaknesses are the woman's ability to be used and the hard time she has trusting others. If you can make her believe that you can give her what she wants, she will do all your dirty work for you. She'll lie, cheat, and betray all others all for the sake of your cause - even if, deep, deep down, she suspects, or even knows, that you can't really help her. If you try being friendly to her, Zelos will suspect you. She's spent her life with people attempting to use her, and she's been given no reason to think they'll stop now. It takes a considerable amount of time for Zelos to really truly trust in someone.


The countries of Sylvarant and Tethe'alla are constantly at war with each other, and amongst themselves, over mana, the natural energy that causes everything to thrive.

Many years ago it hadn't been necessary for people to fight over days, months, or years of prosperity. Supposedly, all had shared the mana emanating from the giant tree of their goddess Martel, equally and both countries lived modestly, neither better off than the other. But people eventually became greedy, especially when it was discovered that there were some amongst them whose mana wavelengths were closer to the goddess' than others and that these people could channel more mana. This could make the area where they lived more prosperous, but only at the cost of leaving someone else with less than what they would have otherwise.

And so it began.

In Tethe'alla, so called 'noble' families sprung up around those with superior wavelengths, and some spent generations carefully breeding and grooming children whose wavelengths would grow closer and closer to the goddess' own. It became said that anyone whose wavelength could match, or surpass, Martel's perfectly would become immortal and replace her as the new god of the land.

While people in Tethe'alla were focused on their pure bloodlines, the people of Sylvarant believed it was better to let people develop their mana wavelengths naturally. A common man's family might give birth to a Chosen as likely as a richer man. People in Sylvarant came to find Tethe'alla's way of doing things unnatural, and against Martel's doctrine.

The old act of channeling and controlling mana fell out of practice and while only nobility handled such things in Tetha'alla, in Sylvarant, it became the job solely of priests.

As the years passed, it wasn't enough for someone to simply seem to have a decent wavelength, for anybody who could channel mana even slightly could call themselves call themselves a Chosen. Technology, was developed in Tethe'alla that, essentially, pulled the essence of a person out of their body. This spirit-like form of a Chosen would be set to 'battle' against another and the victor would be declared to have the stronger wavelength. In Sylvarant, these sort of matches happened infrequently and, in some cities, were even outlawed. Meanwhile, in Tethe'alla, these happenings were commonplace. This is thought to be one of the reasons why the illnesses began forming.

In some families, Chosens only physical symptoms would develop, but in others, the Chosen's mind was affected as well.

The Wilders, a family zealously devoted to creating the world's next god, not only controlled 'breeding' very carefully, but also conducted tests on family members - both their physical body, and their mana-made essence. Over the years this, combined with the stress and the effects of the machines, drew a line of insanity down the family.

Everybody legitimate caught it, but some had it worse than others.

Zelos, as she grew, was found to be quite a good match for Martel's wavelength, but just wasn't close enough. Her family encouraged, and at times tried to enforce, their generations old practices for breeding, hoping that, with a suitable father, her child might be the one to do the unthinkable. Zelos, wanting more from life than to be revered only as a Chosen and as breeding stock, refused them time and time again. This didn't put her family down entirely, however. It only fueled them to continue running tests, and to continue developing ways in which, perhaps, one's wavelength could be enhanced by outside influences.

At first they were sure it was just a young girl's active imagination, for Zelos could, after the fact, vividly describe the day she just spent in the other Tethe'alla. It was cute how she was so creative.

When Zelos got a little older, they began to suspect that it was mental illness come early. The young woman would seem so deeply affected by what her other self, in The Other Tethe'alla, had done that day, or that week (the time periods weren't always consistent - she have wandered off for only an hour, but claimed to have lived an entire day) that she no longer acted quite like herself.

As she was passed her twenty-second birthday, her claims became more outrageous.

She'd been thrown around some in a fight against another Chosen, but hadn't lost. Not long following the fight, she fell into a fit. As one of her mentors tried to get her under control Zelos fought back and wound up striking her head. It wasn't severe, but it did knock her out for a time. When she woke, however, she wasn't in her house, or even her city. She recognized the place, of course, as being a city several hours from her own. How she'd gotten up, gotten dressed, and made her way all the out there on foot was, by all logic, something else entirely.

Zelos, naturally, blamed The Other Tethe'alla. She'd been there again, she informed her caretakers and family, but she couldn't tell them what had happened - the things that were going on now had to be kept a secret, or all the wrong people would, somehow, find out.

This claim, and every claim after when Zelos was found gone from her home for days, or weeks, at a time, frustrated her family to end. It made them especially angry that she kept her whereabouts and on goings an absolute secret. What if she was betraying the family? They wouldn't stand for it.

A number of months went by this way until Zelos' family finally convinced one of her mentors, her old swordsmanship teacher, to persuade the woman into telling him everything. He was also charged with convincing her that she was too old now for make believe stories.

He was one of the few she trusted, as she'd known him since she was young and he wasn't an actual member of her family. So, of course, she told him all about it.

She'd fallen asleep after a particularly long fight and was glad to find him around when she woke. He gave the excuse that he'd come to see how her skill had improved in the years since he'd last had time to see her and Zelos had every reason to believe him. She told him about The Other Tethe'alla, everything, and about the people she'd met. She'd only just been there again, as she'd slept, and the important secret that she'd been keeping for months was reaching the end of it's story anyway.

When she finished talking, her mentor, first job completed, began his second. He pointed out to her all the things that, he said, she was keeping herself from noticing. She had taken people from around her, some who she saw now and then, others every day, and others still whom she'd only seen once, and made them into who she wanted them to be.

If she looked closely, didn't the man who shared her swordsmanship style in the story look like himself? Didn't this Colette girl resemble one of Sylvarant's most popular Chosen? And didn't the Genis boy look like the lad who helped his mother deliver food to the castle every week? She'd taken places from both countries that she wanted to visit, but had never been allowed to see, and made it so that she could, whenever and however often she wanted to. And these people were going to get rid of the Chosen system, in The Other Tethe'alla? Hadn't that been something she she'd confided in him that she wanted?

His points made sense, in all honesty Zelos knew they did, but she kept insisting. She'd found another life in another world - why couldn't he see that!? Where had she learned some of the sword techniques she knew, then? He hadn't taught her! And nobody in her household had taught her to cook! And if she could just find a way to show a spell to him, or her wings, he'd realize she was right, then. The medicine was to blame, Zelos insisted. The medicine they gave her for her 'sickness' and the machine as well, kept her from doing these things.

Her mentor shook his head, dismissing it as mind games she played to make herself feel better - proof that she did poorly when she was away from her medicine and doctors - and explained that he would tell her family; it was for her own good.

No, it wasn't. She knew it wasn't. Hurt at her teacher's betrayal and scared of what might happen if he told her family, Zelos reacted and attacked him. After a relatively quick struggle, Zelos proved the superior swordsman. (There hadn't been a doubt in her mind, not after the things she'd fought with Lloyd and the others.) Unfortunately, the fight had caught other people's attention. Zelos was subdued before she'd even managed to get out of the house. Fearing she was danger to others, or even herself, she was put into a drugged sleep.

When she woke up, she found herself in Template.

!profile, !template

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