"well, he's not stupid: he picked the handsome one."
two deans are better than one. even if one is a shape-shifting psycho with bad hygiene: it just cannot be sanitary to exfoliate that much in such a short time.
the teeth-popping scene of utter grossness aside, 'skin' is one of my favorite episodes for it's disturbingly delicious opening of WTF?! and for the beginning of the brotherly angst. shifty tapping into dean's buried psyche was definitely a curve ball into the life of 'dean winchester: brother and son' and it leads the way nicely into the bang of a confrontation (haha, play on words there) from sam at the hands of creepy doctor guy in 'asylum'.
the shifter himself was brilliantly devised. you almost felt bad for him, sitting there on the couch, tossing his vulnerability into the air, wanting some kind of love and yet loathing the thought of it at the same time. the bitter sadness... and then he tries to kill sammy all sympathy goes right out the window. arg. shoot him deany bear! haha.
also: filter is such a great soundtrack for badassery.