Things that Itchy Ears DON'T WANT TO HEAR.

Aug 12, 2023 06:21

Again, on circadian schedule but mostly superficially.  Very tired this morning!!!  Totally unrefreshed after fair amt of sleep.  However, this time, only had to take two melatonin.  Getting there...  Will get stuff done today but probably won;t be amazing superhero day where I manage to get a million things done in a great-relief flurry of energy...

Here is a post of INCONVENIENT TRUTHS.  It is also a way for me to hurry up and dump more link before my browser crashes again.  This post combines some links about the bioweapon jabs / consequences, with various other links - some even containing things I might not have liked to hear in the past, but which are true, and so I WANT TO HEAR THESE TOO.  Some, like the BIG MIKE stuff, remain speculation.  Will note, however - does seem Obama is discretely allowing info to leak that he has had gay tendencies - and this would be a way to gradually pave the way for the push for America's first TS/tg president - assuming Big Mike actually is a man, genetically.  Just hypothesis and hearsay at this point.

Note that they are trying to bring COVID back, among so many BS things they are throwing at us.  Yes, they, as in, they.  Heard an astonishing clip on AMERICA IN THE MORNING, about two mornings ago, where they are back to blaming bloodclots not on the jabs but on COVID - where the incidence of heart issues is only at 4%, I believe, whereas - for the so-called vaccines?  SKY HIGH.  Miscarriages.  Heart attacks.  Cancer.  Etc.,  All going through the roof.  So, more cover-up BS money is being spread around, again.

Note: In late 2020 but moreso in 2021, there was a little media blitz priming people: "COVID may cause blood-clots." That went away. And now it's back.

Also - There is one link to a video on how homeowners are being affected by the whole "vaccine"/woke attacks, et al... How the baden economy is affecting rich people too - how rich people are dropping dead too?... Well, I wanted to point out about 50 minutes of Maria Zeee ranting on about this subject, where her emotive oratory has never been so hot. That can be found as the last hour in a full-show video of the Alex Jones Show - which might or might not be given below. I might have to try to work on that specifically some other time, if I have any time for that. But, true detectives can possibly hunt that third hour, Maria Zeee video down.


So, here is the dump: Things you might not like to hear but maybe you really want to listen too...

SHOCK STUDY: Jabs Caused 3000X More Heart Damage Than Thought! - Moderna Scrambling For Cover!

Ed Dowd: New Data Shows Vax Deaths & Disabilities Accelerating at ALARMING Rate

Dr. Judy Mikovits | "Every Vaccine Since 1986 Has Been a Bioweapon!" & "Vaccination Is Not Immunization It Is Sterilization & Extermination." - Dr. Judy Mikovits + Are COVID-19 Shots a Bio-Weapon?

I think MARIA ZEEE might be hour three here! - LeBron James’ Son Suffers Heart Attack on Basketball Court After Taking Experimental Death Shot! Alex Jones Reports NOW In This Must-Watch Broadcast! - TUESDAY FULL SHOW 07/25/23

BREAKING: NEW LOCKDOWNS IN THE UK? - Globalists Threaten New Virus Hoax!

Wuhan Virus Rears its Head Again | New Eris Variant Making Waves in US | Vantage with Palki Sharma - YouTube

New emails reveal scientists believed COVID-19 was man-made

Pfizer Grilled By Australian Senators, Forced To Admit Their Employees Got A Different Batch Than The Public

Major New Developments, Dr. McCullough Talks Jamie Fox, Fauci Indictment and More

Nanotechnology Found in Both Vaxxed And Un-Vaxxed

CREEPY: DNA CONTROL VIA ELECTRICITY! - AI Brain Interfaces - These Technologies Are Built To Enslave

Scientists Control Human DNA Using Electricity | Vantage with Palki Sharma - YouTube

BREAKING: Bill Gates Claims He's Innocent of Vaccine Crimes, Plus Experts Warn Vaccines Linked to Meat Allergies

This Week with Dr. T (Covidland)

Had to include this as I am a compassionate man - Doctors ASTONISHED about human body's ability to REGENERATE itself with these natural molecules

Why AMISH children have almost no disease or mental health problems

HUGE: Chinese “Floating City” Exterminates All Life In South Atlantic Sea

CHINA'S MIND CONTROL WEAPONS! - Neurological Warfare EXPOSED! - Direct Energy Weapons

Human-Trafficking, Mind-Control and the CIA

Tim Ballard Knows How Brittany Spears Became A Slave

The Origins of Transgenderism Revealed


WTF: Woman Easily Lifts Giant “Concrete” Block During News Segment About Bombed Ukrainian Cathedral

NWO Mouthpiece Forced To Eat His Words That The World Is Not Run By Cabals

Klaus Schwab Jr. Explains How The Illuminati Really Works

Elon, X, and the Epitome of a Front Man

The Future is Planned: Jay Dyer Exposes the Globalist Plan for Humanity

It was ALL Predicted! - G Edward Griffin | Flyover Clips

*** - Learn How CBDCs Will Eradicate Home Ownership


WorldCoin’s IRIS SCANNING ORB Launched & BRICS Summit Threatens The Dollar with GOLD BACKED RIVAL!!!

Creepy Joe Biden Menaces Children And GUESS Who The View Blames For The White House Coke?

WATCH: Biden Tries To BITE Terrified Child

The Decline of a President: How 'Biden’s age is becoming apparent' - YouTube

How the Inconvenient Tonga Volcano Eruption Is Warming the Planet

Water vapor from Tonga's volcanic eruption could warm Earth for years | Space

Big Mike EXPOSED A Decade Ago

BIG Mike

Go Woke Go Broke: The fall of mighty brands to the woke agenda - YouTube

‘We’re on our own’: Portland woman says homeless man knocked her unconscious

musk - elon, ++, obama - michelle, vaccine madness / mandates, biden - joe biden, gates - bill

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