This important post is about the "COVID vaccine" blood-clots. These are not conventional blood-clots, by any means. They are composed mainly of artificial ingredients, such as hydrogels and metals. They are brought into the body via plastics and other ingredients in the "vaccines" directly - but, they are also grown internally by lipid nano microclots, graphene oxide, spike proteins and immune disruptors already within the body. Graphene oxide, for example, has no problem growing within the body, because it is made from carbon, the most common mineral found in all life on Earth. (Possibly, additional plastics might be accumulated from microplastics already in the body, as a result of the microplastics polluting our ambient environment).
Unlike normal bloodclots, these clots contain virtually no immune or blood cells, such as platelets. They are hard, rubbery, and extensive and lengthy. Conventional medical practices are not good at detecting them. Most of them are being found by morticians. But they are responsible for many or most of the "died-suddenly" events which have been slowly depopulating our society. Once they reach the brain or lungs, death can be sudden and swift.
These clots are being cultured deliberately, using our bodies not merely as Petri dishes or Guinea Pigs, but as targets of warfare. They are weapons of war. While it is known that modern medical science had been developing artificial internal repair tissuing of this sort, the technology has been usurped to create actual death clots. They grow in reaction to WiFi and cellphone radiation, which is a property of G.O.
(I'll do a post about 5G, and all that, soon).
In addition, these clots are part of an attempt to cyborgise target human beings, as they are meant to be computer programmable.
This post focuses on several aspects of these clots, and the militarisation of synthetic, programmable nano-biology in general. But, it first starts off with an insistence that the plague of clots and deaths caused by the bioweapon injections, have all been deliberately inflicted, because they are part of a broader military assault upon humanity.
So, the first few videos or articles might not even mention the clots. These initial links emphasize the military intentions behind them, and other weapons being used against us. Other posts have covered more of this ongoing military campaign.
First you allow your country to be invaded, then you hand automatic weapons to the people who invaded it. Doug Macgregor on the worst idea congress has ever had. Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson)
March 4, 2024Alex Jones breaks it down:
Foreign Troops Taking Over US Military And Police Subscribe and Watch full Tucker Calson interview of Macgregor Alert! Col. Macgregor Warns Dems Plan To Turn Guns On US Citizens Once Military Recruits Illegals Covid-19 Was A Globalist Plot To Conquer The World Warns Top German Leader TREASON ALERT: Deep State Announces Plan To Disregard Trump Reelection In Ukraine /
The U.S. Is On The Brink Of A Catastrophic Defeat In Eastern Europe In The Middle East CLOTS - new............................
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Before You Kiss Or Sleep With A Vaxxed Person, Watch This Video! | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary Ask Dr. Jane: Sex And Shedding, Are You At Risk Of HIV? MRNA VAX SHEDDING: THEY WANT TO WIPE US OFF THE PLANET -- Kris Edelkamp Worldwide Vaccine Study Shows Neurological, Blood, And Heart Disorders BREAKING: Funeral Home Director Warns Mysterious Blood Clots Getting Worse BREAKING: Mysterious New Blood Clots Causing Mass Death, Warns Funeral Home Director MIKE ADAMS: MICROSCOPIC VIDEO OF ENGINEERED BIO STRUCTURES REMOVED FROM ... MICROSCOPIC VIDEO OF BIO STRUCTURES REMOVED FROM BLOOD VESSELS Maria Zeee - Biodigital Convergence EXPOSED! Full Series AI Exterminating Humans Through Synthetic Biology - Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Mihalcea Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Mihalcea - COVID is a Technological & Biological Weapon Hybrid - Gene Editing of All Humans Artificial Blood Vessels
Researchers develop fast, inexpensive, scalable method for engineering ... Bioengineered blood vessels that mimic real vessels move step closer ... Bioengineered vessels transform into living blood vessels Engineered Blood Vessels Evolve into Living Tissue We’re closer to ‘engineering’ blood vessels | Pursuit by The University ... Bioengineered human blood vessels | Science 3D ice printing can create artificial blood vessels in engineered ... Dr. Jason Dean - Globalists Announce AI Tracking INSIDE YOUR VEINS! COVID Vaxxed May Be Ineligible To Give Blood, Says Red Cross EXCLUSIVE: New Form Of Blood Clots Found In 50% Of The Dead, Coroner Survey Reveals Scipio Eruditus - Nanotechnology Mind Control Findings Confirmed Worldwide Dr. David Nixon & Karl C. - New Nanotechnology Findings Will SHOCK the World! BREAKING: Americans Being Infected With Live Ebola By Secret Bill Gates Project Karen Kingston - State of Texas Sues Pfizer & NZ Whistleblower WILDFIRE!!! Brighteon EXCLUSIVE: Court Documents Prove Big Pharma Knew COVID Shots Destroy DNA, Linked To Cancer EXCLUSIVE: Court Documents Prove Big Pharma Knew COVID Shots Destroy DNA, Linked To Cancer Email Leak: CDC Buried Its Own Myocarditis Warning in MAY 2021 | ZeroHedge EDWARD DOWD | What is Economic Impact of the COVID Vaccines? Could the American People Forgive Trump for the Vaccines? It's Already happening But People Don't See It - YouTube San Antonio DA Reveals Vaccine Damage Incident For Two of His Children What are obelisks? Matt Baker interviews Maria Zee . CLOTS
conventional clotting.............
How I Reversed 20 years of Arterial Plaque - YouTube 🔄REVERSE Your Clogged & Stiff Arteries [50% Atherosclerosis over 45!] - YouTube Top 10 Foods to Unclog Arteries Naturally and Prevent Heart Attack! - YouTube Unclog Arteries...1 Glass in the Morning Will Be Rewarding - Dr Mandell - YouTube How I Reversed 20 years of Arterial Plaque - YouTube bioweapon clots................
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