Mar 20, 2024 14:29

I am back at the free cafe. Writing offline, for now. I have managed, over the last 5+ months, to finally get the attacks from above enough so that I can feel well enough to do some free time writing and studying. Which is hard to do during PTSD, right? And the information and ideas are just pouring in at an incredible rate, I cannot even start to keep up with it all. I have many positive ideas on what to do about life, the future, and everything. But - of utmost importance: I have to convey to you that the global situation is more dire and sinister than I have even imagined weeks or months ago. So, I have to briefly raise the alarm for you, here. And get on to the more informative posts later.

I have been conservative in assuming that the spike protein, or the COVID virus, are real entities, believe it or not. I have been using the nomenclature, to some degree. There have been several who questioned the existence of Spike, since all you have to do is throw RNA, mRNA, DNA, viruses or virus particles into a blood-soup sampling - into a PSR machine, and fine tune it, and it can SAY that the sample contains whatever you want it to say. It can say there is a COVID virus, it can say there is a spike protein, it might also say there are snake and spider venoms, and hydrogels, and graphene oxide. But - it does not actually prove there is a real COVID virus, or a spike protein. We've seen a lot of illustration - w/out any direct proof.

I am not being a conspiracy theorist. As I said, I have been going along with the official stories that Spike and the full virus are real. But, it maybe be that what are real are the lipid nano-particles and the self-organising graphene oxide. Plus other crap they threw into the injections,like snake venoms, and so on. Still, they resent an in-your-face BLANK SHEET OF PAPER when describing what is actually in the vaccines and boosters. Our good information comes from subsequent independent study, just like independent stats were needed to expose the massive amounts of deaths, miscarriages, infertility, chronic health problems - and turbo cancers - following months and years after the administration of the died-suddenly clot-shots. And still, they keep on giving.

The spike protein, as illustrated, resembles how the HIV virus - (?) - was also illustrated - as a horny geodesic ball. Interestingly, geodesic balls are, in fact, one structural form that graphene oxide can take. What that means, I am still not certain.

Anyway, it is the lipid nanoparticles and the self-organising graphene oxide wrapped in the, (LNPs and G.O.s), which have, in concert, been killing us. But, for a concert, you need a conductor. And the necessary conductor - the outside force triggering the self-organising clots - has been 4G and 5G - and 6G - WiFi, Cellphone radiation and just plain RF and EMF. Working together, they cause bodies containing them to become resonant conductors, with those molecules growing and organising inside of them. And the flu-like, dementia-like, etc., symptoms which we have been presenting are basically what happens when a body gets radiation sickness. Like microwaves - because these are microwaves - you get cooked from the inside-out.

The sheet-like, or one-dimensional, graphene oxide used in the shots resembles the sheet of plasma-form water that lines our veins and arteries, prompting the pumping of blood. I have long theorised that this web of hexagonal water acts as a quantum and electrical antenna, across space-time, to other human beings. (And this is partly the wonder of how latent memory helps form babies). When GO in LNP hydrogel affiliates to the epithelial lining of the veins and arteries, (as it also affiliated to ACE receptors and neuronal fats membranes), it probably displaces the natural hexagonal water lining. And, so, the hexagonal water resonator-antenna becomes replaced by a hexagonal G.O.-matrix resonator-antenna - a window into a very different and unnatural dimension.

When 5G, et al, are emitted from cellphone towers, not only do they kill organisms nearby, including insects, they help to kill anything near the appliances receiving their signals - because those appliances, the internet of things, act as resonating antennae, i.e., local amplifiers, or repeaters. So, it is when you turn on your phone or laptop that you increase the amount of 5G radiation coming both from that appliance and from the cellphone transmitter. This is a fact of proven physics.

Not only this, but if your body is filled with metals, heavy metals or, especially, a graphene oxide hexagonal matrix, then YOU become an amplifier, and become toxic to people or other organisms nearby you.

The classic symptoms present similar to those in Hashimoto's disease, neurodegenerative diseases, electrolyte imbalances, coronary diseases, cancer, etc.

As expanding G.O., and it's electrical consequences, fill the body, the blood, interstitial fluid, and cells, become more positively charged, i.e., the RH goes down. This changes functionality of cell sodium transport channels. And this is a main reason why injected people who die suddenly show hearts who have moved more towards burning carbs and away from the more natural level of burning ketones. This also leads to higher oxidative stress, found in CFS, autism, "Long COVID", and so on.

Much of what was said above, especially the latter parts, are my own astute conclusions. Based on science. But, the whole part of people acting as psychic resonating antennae - this invites some profound and disturbing hypothesizing from me, as well...

Which is this: People who get filled up with these self-organising G.O. "clots", paving especially the walls of the epithelium, and burning off natural fats from the hypothalamus, (and elsewhere), move away from being able to utilise their fore-brains usefully, and instead become dominated by their limbic and reptilian brains areas. They act like angry, aggressive and confused zombies. You hear, even in the mainstream news, injected people driving full of road rage. Meanwhile, they are broadcasting all this emotionality - and hate - to resonant repeaters, i.e., to other people who have been similarly affected by the injections. And, theoretically, these others don't have to be nearby - they could be halfway across the planet - or even entangled across space-time, into other, "dimensions." Since, we are not just talking electricity, here - we are talking quantum dynamics.

This means that, as more and more show such symptoms, as the transhumanist techno-NAZIs have desired, and touted, then the more humanity becomes a lower-ordered, demonic kind of, "hive mind."

In other words, once converted, one becomes an agent for some kind of interdimensional demonism. This could be why we see people dropping, in Congress, e.g., acting as if there is no other choice but to give in to the emerging Transhumanist agenda, ultimately of global depopulation. And, once one realises that the depopulation agenda is a real, military attack, one has to consider that it may not simply be AI that could be taking over the planet, partly through this biological contagion, which is also being inserted into ALL of our food, our air, our water - but that it could be driven by some kind of superintelligent alien species, desiring to claim this planet as its own. There is no escaping consideration of such a seemingly insane hypothesis.

Everything that has been unfolding has been done so, so expertly and meticulously, it really gives much credence to this hypothesis. What about all those tales of alien abductions - taking blood samples, dissecting cattle, inserting transmitters. It could have all been true. And now, we are not facing a war of the worlds any more than an insect can fight successfully against some mass extermination.

They were already taken out, for the most part, by 3G.

We are far gone. But, there are ways of cleansing ourselves, perpetually. Still available. And there are other things we can do. But, unless we turn on our fore-brains again, we will not be able to stop space-based directed energy weapons from pulverising sustainable communities to which we flee. These happen to be weapons which, similarly, burn everything down - from the inside-out.

So, we are in so much trouble - no matter how conservatively you try to paint this picture. And we need to activate now to sop it. Please spread the word - but not the illness. Get away from WiFi and EMF as completely as possible! And don't trust Mr. WiFi Satellites any farther than you can throw him.

toxins - graphene oxide

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