Herbal Teas?

May 02, 2024 06:36

Woke up. Rare instance of no flashing dots in right eye this time. All I know is that relaxation, last night, managed to allow my to "think" through eyes, and so get oxygen in there. Still have other issues.

Herbal teas are expensive. And I always considered them a waste. But, I HAVE been using a detox tea lately, and sometimes use that as a quickie replacement for my healthy tea, which I may be too tired to make from supplements, some mornings. And, it isn't too bad - expecially since I mix in a little pine+lavender essential oil, a zinc-peppermint spray, and usually some sodium citrate, which has a citrusy taste, but is anti-acidic). Yogi Detox (which has dandelion!)

It occurred to me that, IF SNAP covers herbal teas, I could save some money by substituting them for some supplements! Like valarian! (Although, SNAP very well might not cover them - will have to see). (???) I mean - they ARE for fricken health!

It would mean me flushing the can more often, but no objects against that, lol.

Since I do get food from the wonderful little pantry, too, I seem to be keeping a good balance on my SNAP. Yesterday, I actually ordered some Maria Callendish(?)g pot pies, rather than the smaller, $1 Banquet pot pies.

I am not sure, but one reason for the good balance on my SNAP might because one supermarket might often be charging my credit card instead of my SNAP - yikes!

But, I have used SNAP for emergency stuff - like potted meat product and, e.g., a gallon of soybean oi, which can be used as a fuel. Lard for candles. Sugar to barter - or to help ferment things. But, still, I would be lost w/o SNAP overall!

So, if SNAP covers herbal teas, I could explore them - for eye health, muscle health, fatigue, digest-about, clarity of brain, and who knows what is out there! Do any of you use herbal tea?

The wto fiends upstairs were mocking me this morning, at baout 4:am, loudly moaning and sighing. Soon enough, God came by and punished them with a thunderstorm. And I got up a little later, turning my bathroom back up, because they are just incapable of controlling themselves for any extended period of time. A little better these days.

But this morning insulting BS is actually a good sign. It means that it won't be long until they are knocking and tapping and banging on the walls at me again, which NOW means I will finally be able to call the cops on them. Armed with the online harassment log.

Is the CI out to get me? I already mentioned the storage locker problem, (which my insane sister could very well have prompted). Haven't experienced intimidating helicopters for at least 2 weeks, now. (knock knock) But, not only have banned.video and madmaxworld.tv videos become impossible to embed - now it is impossible for me to repost twitter!!! Anyone? Anyone?

As usual, I have lots of things I have to work on, in every department. Like bank/cards, alternate internet server, etc. But I've got the chutzpah this morning. Not 100%, but not too bad. So, after checking out a couple of new videos, I will be getting back to work on my, "It's a military attack!" pamphlet, (plus my facts/links pamphlet). This time, I might include text from O'Keefe's important CIA tweet. If it's reality, you can bet I am going to whore it out.

One other thing. It's true. Fermentation has been melting my plastic jugs. One has a hole up by the spout. So, I am slowly moving to glass containers. Since glass jugs are way too expensive for me at Walmart, I have to look for at least tow good ones at the 2 thrift store I 'frequent'.

But, getting downtown is now a big deal, because they have now blocked the street completely, and I have no access to downtown, except by taking a long, diversionary route through county roads. It was never meant to be like this. Look at it. I am destroying my health, just to get away from the bastards upstairs - and now I am paying more on gas! This really is criminal. I have to fill up on gas AGAIN.

Been trying to reduce space in freezer, slowly but surely. 4 more pot pies not helping. Need more fish. But, with more space, then I can finally use up these nuty pie crusts by making a couple of pumpkin, etc., pies. For eyes, of course.

Note: Extremely important to get gut motility going, every morning, before hitching a ride on the day's circadian rhythm. Since UTI was coming back, so I bought the expensive no-added-sugar cranberry juice, (now fermenting in glass). It gets UTI ebola bacteria from clinging to gut wall. Now, I know that this ALSO helps with gut motility. So, now I have a few ways to do it:

1 - Sodium citrate in morning tea.
2 - Relaxation.
3 - Olive oil, ("severs" brain #1 from brain #2).
4 - Garlic + BS - (don;t try this at home!).
5 - Pre- and pro-biotics, and
6 - Cranberry juice!
& - Also, belly dancing could help!
7 - And maybe boxing with kangaroos.

I suppose I could repost this one over at healthy_planet... Although I am the only posters at such communities, people do rad them, through vicarious avenues.

good morning worm your honor

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