May 20, 2024 19:28

One of the most important development in the emergence of any disease or chronic illness is BAD GUT BIOTA. This is especially true in chronic bioweapons illnesses, including cancer, which I am pretty sure become lodged into the human body through the issuance of bad, acidic gut biota, probably including the newly christened, "obelisk bacteria". Lodged-in bad gut bacteria is almost impossible to change, and the attendant chronic illness tends to give it the right conditions which keep it lodged.

You can treat illness symptoms all you want - and you can eat pre-and pro-biotics all you want, but if you don't regain your less acidic gut and body pH, you will make little progress. And die.

I have a basic, 5-pronged strategy for dealing with my illness:

1 - DE-ACIDIFY! - sodium citrate, sodium bicarbonate, famotidine, omaprazole, etc.
2 - Saturated fats - and fish oil - to refresh brain and muscle neuron fats depleted by the illness and by detox.
3 - Detoxing for heavy metals including Graphene Oxide, which is at the core of microclotting lipid nanoparticle structures, and other "COVID machinery), (and nano/micro-plastics). EDTA, DETOX TEA, NATTOKINASE, NICOTINE, FAMOTIDINE, WALNUTS, DANDELION.
4 - Detoxing for lipid nanoparticle structures, and other "COVID machinery), (and nano/micro-plastics). - SODIUM CITRATE, PINE/ESSENTIAL OILS, METHALINE BLUE
5 - ANTI-FUNGALS and anti-parasitics - Primarily goodly amounts of GARLIC, cautiously imbibed. I would be taking IVERMECTIN if I could. It will soon be illegal, so get some. WORMWOOD is an herbal anti-parasitic. QUININE. Baking Soda.

Baking soda not only fights parasites, (as does garlic), it also fights cancer - and viruses. So, the easiest thing to do s to start taking some baking soda and magnesium in your water, and THEN do the probiotics, and all that. In addition, drinking no-sugar cranberry juice helps keep bad bacteria, especially e-coli, from leaving the gut and entering the interstitial fluid and urinary tract. Ecoli in the blood can lead to deadly sepsis.

Getting the gut healthy should be everyone's first priority. All of the steps above should help there, to some degree. Then, cleaning out the intercellular fluid through deacidification, etc., should follow from that. This is the area where parasites, cancer, etc., hide and fester, but it is something that doctors do not look at. Instead, they wrongly look for viruses or protein C, etc., in the bloodstream. But that is not where the problems actually begin. Sure, it's important, but not the only place to study. More important is the gut and this interstitial, intercellular fluid. (And sometimes the cerebro-spinal fluid and bone marrow).

Getting one's meds and supplements into the far reaches of these areas is difficult if one is stressed, high BP, or microclotting. To reduce stress, reducing cytokine storms and/or catecholamines is the thing to do. Ways to open up better passageways into smaller capillaries, etc., can be helped using Arginine, cell-boosters (metholatedfolate), or by thinning the blood, with aspirin, or drinking wine first, and a regular sleep/wake cycle. These are my experiences and for illustration purposes only.

As revealed in the videos below, many illnesses, such as viral or cancer, are misdiagnosed, when the real cause may be microparasites. This is why it has become essential for me to do garlic and baking soda every freaking day - as well as lots of vitamins C, D, E and magnesium + ZINC. Zinc is a primary fighter against many cellular invaders. It is also important to reduce WiFi and EMF radiation, wherever possible! Very important!

If this video or link no longer work, find "Parasitic Science and the Unproven Virus" over at Rumble or the Greg Reese substack.

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Kate Dalley and Lee Merritt Expose the History Behind Deadly Vaccines and Anti-Parasitic Drugs

WARNING!! Dr. Jason Dean Brings To Light the Hidden Parasites INSIDE OF YOU! | Flyover Clip

IF THE VACCINE IS DEADLY, WHY ISN’T EVERYONE DYING? with Steve Kirsch, Featured in DIED SUDDENLY Documentary | Flyover Clips

Part 2: PROOF COVID Is A Nano-weapon PARASITE; Biotech Analyst Has PROOF COVID & Vaxx Are Biosynthetic Parasites

Stew Peters on OAN COVID-19 is a AI Biosynthetic Parasitic Technology, IT'S NOT A VIRUS

Ivermectin for Cancer?

Climate change could kill off parasites, destabilizing ecosystems

Parasitic Lifestyle: The Narcissist And Psychopath As Human Parasites: Are You A Host?

PS - Some sites above are under DDOS attacks. If the links don't work for you, you can search the titles and find those videos at alternate sites.

health - v - coronavirus sars2 covid-19, health - acidity in body/brain

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