Oct 06, 2024 17:40

Remember my rule of thumb: Think of electricity as an indication that something has shifted its place - even a little - in the universe, I.e., the things around it. That's how we have motors, (driven by engines, driven by gas, steam, or etc., driven by wind or hydro - or some FORCE somewhere).

Electricity doesn't fundamentally flow in straight lines. It will, though, because it can separate into two different polarities, as when we have a big differential between the general charge of the atmosphere and the general charge of the land, and so lines of lightening happen, usually coming up from the ground like trees, meeting trees coming down, both trying to - chaotically - find the shortest distance between them.

We also have electricity running in straight lines when they are "sent" through neuronal axons, copper wires on a motor, etc. But, these straight lines are usually dependent on the somewhat uniform shapes of the elements or molecules comprising the neurons or wires, or such. Like-molecules, "hand-off," the straight and "travelling" electricity. As similar shapes, these molecules can also pass electricity - and quanta - over longer distances, w/o using some linear conductor, because they can act as resonant, "antennae."

That is one reason why "farther-off regions of the brain" can interplay with local brain activities, even though they may neither be related directly chemically, or neuronally. This is more the, "wave," nature of electricity and electrons going on. But photons, do it too.

In fact, the wave nature of subatomic particles, and even atoms, can be said to be at least as important as their more particular and linear natures. This is where we get psychic awareness and phenomena, quantum computing, the piso-electric effect, quantum-entanglement, and etc.

But, the impossible - Schrodinger's Cat - intermediary state and dynamics, which are, "between," particle and wave, is where everything is happening, man - especially in our little medicosmic world.

This is the world of shape. Where specifically-shaped molecules, like proteins, hook up with protein receptors in the nose, or on immune cells, or on genes, etc., to produce more local results - including passing electricity along in relative lines. (While they can also act as harmonising, long-distance antennae - transmitters and receivers).

Almost all biological molecules are, "left-handed," like, L-Dopa, l-lysine, l-histamine, etc., and the body is built largely to entertain left-handed molecules, hooking up to its receptors. I see this left-handedness as very similar to the whole phenomena of clock hands, or sun-dials, or usually planets, all moving in the same clockwise direction as each other. Whether this happened by accident, and R-molecules finally lost out, "evolutionarily," or whether something more fundamental pushed it along - it all indicates a shared movement and "direction " of time, (and entropy), in the universe.

Whether it might POSSIBLY because a molecule if, by fluke, right-handed, (a mirror of the normal version), or whether it be a common difference: The shape of one molecule, (like tyrosine), may trigger normal results in the body, whereas ALMOST-but-not-IDENTICALLY shaped molecules, (like DMT), can produce widely DIFFERENT results in the body - including, e.g., serious birth defects.

So, I am trying to convey to you the extreme importance of SHAPE in the universe, as documented in molecular biology. Shape is also extremely important in electrodynamics, chemistry, solid state physics, and so on. It might even be - hypothetically - that in our, "more daemonic," Alternate Dimension, shapes of things like molecules might be so critically different than are ours, that a whole (impinging) realm of demonic EVIL may be residing there, sometimes getting into our realm, maybe when our galactic plane gets in a particular position, or something... Who know? Who knew?

Maybe Time itself flows even in some kind of, "opposite," direction, which is why THAT dimension remains different to THIS dimension...

I have been planning to say more about, "the alternate dimension," later - including the importance of shape to the activities inside the sun, and so on.

Shape should be remembered to be a kind of KEY to unlocking certain - cell receptors, radio signals, distant subatomic particles, ideas, PSYCHIC CONNEXIONS, and so on...

Of course, the whole plethora of so many shapes is crucial to the whole nature of DNA, (and related), itself being a kind of antenna, as well.

And, for what its worth, (to different people), how nano-structures inside the body are shaped important to how they act as: bio-toxins, as transceivers, as info-processing circuits (god help us!), acidifiers, and sticky artificial blood-clods. (Because shape is related to electrical properties, especially when, at the core of the structures, is a power-gathering metal like Graphene Oxide).

Graphene Oxide comes in many shapes. It can be shaped in a composit HIV-like "sphere." It can be shaped in a composite sheet. And - depending on the wavelength of the EMF hitting and exciting it, Graphene Oxide can be bent and twisted into a whole variety of circuit-like shapes, believe it or not. Coat that with polyethylene glycol, or similar lipids, and a directed, bonding and immune-invisible - and acidic - attacker can be moulded out of it.

But, it is the sheet-shape of Graphene Oxide which really interests me. A single layer of these atoms can be made, which all join up with each other, sideways, in a hexagonal, honey-comb pattern. This is very much like the sheets of hexagonal, PLASMIC* water, which coats our veins and arteries, creates a running electrical differential, and so encourages our heart to pump blood. It also protects us from inflammation. Replace that chicken-wire grid with anything G.O., and we have the beginning of artificial blood-clots, etc.

Similarly, replace the H2O grid with a smaller-hexagonal, more acidic G.O. grid, and the natural, 3'd quantum/electrical frequencies given out change, inviting in signals from the universe which might not be so healthy to, or welcomed by, us. (I'll say more about water whenever I get around to doing a, "Magic of Water," post).

Water is one of the most electrically-conductive chemicals in the universe, and we ourselves are mainly composed of water - (and of light)!

I may have had more to say on, "shape," if I remember something more, I'll do a Post-script...

* There are now known to be 4 states of H2O: Ice, Fluid, Steam - and Plasma. H2O plasma is not as common as the first 3. But may be arguably more important, in some ways.

shape - importance of, physics - electricity, physics - electromagnetism

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