sam and aaron, seeing as i don't know you guys schedules. i'm using this as a forum :) since calling is barbaric. we need to chill on tuesday. seriously. or i'll spray you with zombie attracting stuff. and then we'll see who doesn't hang out with tree. give me times if you guys want to chill, i seriously do. >:O
i'm actually surprised with how close school is... but then again, i'm not sure how i feel about it... my emotions are a mess, i'm in love with the sun, but japan has my heart. my friends are a confused mess of anger and fear... and i feel like i'm spectating my own emotions.
hm. my emotions are running rather.. rampant. i honestly don't know what to say, or what i'm even thinking. maria going to japan for a few weeks or whatever. sucks. not really related to my above statement, but it doesn't help. it'd be cool if she could come over and i could vent. i feel like a bad friend, and immoral to boot.
so yeah, we found a kitten near my house and he was all like... -_- starving and stuff. so we brought him in, gave him flea medication, and fed him. :D
great hm? he died like, this morning... at least he didn't die out in the rain... :\ he died on a blanky.