Common Ground on Late-Term Abortion: AnguishThe Killing of Dr. George Tiller Has Rekindled an Old Debate, but Partisans on Both Sides Acknowledge Each Other's Pain
It's a pretty well-balanced article and a sound thoughtful read all-round.
Article below if you're lazy to click the link ;P )
Comments 4
Do admit that it’s difficult for me to defend being pro-choice to the death and if ever faced with the decision, I’m not sure if I could actually undergo abortion despite being pro-choice.
it's definitely possible to be pro-choice and anti-abortion; in fact, if asked i believe a great number of pro-choicers would say they are. one can regard the practice as an abomination (my dad, who is pro-choice, had to perform one in medical school and said it was horrific) and still recognize the right of other women to have the final say over what happens to their bodies, plus being committed to reducing the need for abortions through sex education and availability of birth control.
A lot of my friends here are v. opposed to abortion and one of them said to me, "You're pro-abortion" one day. It pissed me off SO MUCH. I support the legalisation of abortion; I believe it is necessary for the right to choose to be available, because frankly if you make the procedure unlawful then women are going to be falling down stairs and drinking bleach. That is what happens. I also support efforts for reducing the need for abortions and I'd be very reluctant to consider abortion as a choice for myself, but you know what? It's important to have that choice. It's not anybody else's business. It's mine.
I'm pro-choice. That doesn't mean I'm in favour of all abortions ever. It doesn't even mean I'm in favour of any abortion, as in, I think it's an unqualified good. But -- a woman who's pregnant finds out that if she has her child, it's going to be born without a brain and it won't live long. You're ( ... )
Basically it's the whole common perception of antis that being 'pro-choice' is just a fancy name for going out there and urging women out there to Choose Abortion NOW!
I got an eyebrow twitch from this:
"Protesters, including Mr. Newman, express great sympathy for women carrying disabled children. But they point out that some of the conditions women cite when seeking abortions from Dr. Tiller aren't fatal, such as Down syndrome. Others, including some heart ailments, could possibly be corrected through surgery."
All well and good but seriously, it basically boils down to the fact that we don't have the right to take away people's choice of deciding whether they can live through this or not.
The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion
Oooh! Reads like a deliberate dig against antis (and weirdly like those evangelical conversion stories!) though but really... o.O
"A 21 year old woman and her mother drove three hours to come to their appointment for an abortion. They were surprised to find the clinic a ' ( ... )
I know! /o\
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