Dear heavens, it took me five clicks to figure out which of your little links actually translated to "leave a comment".
I really wasn't sure about this pairing when you first mentioned it to me. It's a very ‘Jessi’ thing to assign... and being the canon purist I am, I generally have to bite my tongue, give these things a shot, and then find out I love them.
It's a good thing I did with this one as well, because I'm quickly falling for it. Of course, I'm a bit nervous that Lily will be horrid when she discovers that her diary partner is actually James, and not Regalus... but it will all be worth it. :)
Ahahahah... sorry Court! Didn't mean to confuse you with my re-naming of things, hee!
Oh, but you know I love canon just as much :) And it'll definitely be... unexpected for Lily to find out who her diary partner is. But just how she discovers it, will not be revealed just yet, hee!
Thanks so much for your comment. Hope you'll enjoy the next parts too!
Thanks so so much!! I'm so happy that you're enjoying this, hee! It's getting harder to write this without making it too obvious to both of them! But I'm doing my best, hee!
*kicks the crap out of James* Bloody git's always getting in the way of other people loving Lily. HOWEVER. I DO love this fic still... even if it DOES end up canon. =P
...I'll have a dare for you one of these days.. to write something SO uncanon that you'll O_O forever. =P *hugs* dear and thanks for continuing this MASTERPIECE!! SQUEEE!!
Will ya leave James alone! LOL... and you had a typo in your comment: even if it DOES end up canon. =P should read when it DOES ends up canon. =P *grin*
O_O Noooooooo... *makes note to self not to take any dares* That's like... my ultimate OOYR challenge LMAO!
I'm finally catching up to your story. Sweet job, my dear. I loved all the girl talk with Alice...her dating woes with Frank made me smile!
This clever way of making them communicate through the diary promises to lead to glorious awkward moments between James and Lily, and Lily and Remus. ;)
Hee! I love Alice and Frank! I never realised how much until they just showed up here *giggle* Seriously, they just demanded to be written in, and you know me; I have a soft spot for characters who want in, hee.
Awkward moments ahead alright! Thank you so much for your review!! ***huggles***
Comments 8
I really wasn't sure about this pairing when you first mentioned it to me. It's a very ‘Jessi’ thing to assign... and being the canon purist I am, I generally have to bite my tongue, give these things a shot, and then find out I love them.
It's a good thing I did with this one as well, because I'm quickly falling for it. Of course, I'm a bit nervous that Lily will be horrid when she discovers that her diary partner is actually James, and not Regalus... but it will all be worth it. :)
Great chapter, dear!
Oh, but you know I love canon just as much :) And it'll definitely be... unexpected for Lily to find out who her diary partner is. But just how she discovers it, will not be revealed just yet, hee!
Thanks so much for your comment. Hope you'll enjoy the next parts too!
Another fabulous chapter, hon!!
...I'll have a dare for you one of these days.. to write something SO uncanon that you'll O_O forever. =P *hugs* dear and thanks for continuing this MASTERPIECE!! SQUEEE!!
O_O Noooooooo... *makes note to self not to take any dares* That's like... my ultimate OOYR challenge LMAO!
Thanks for the comment hon!! *huggles*
This clever way of making them communicate through the diary promises to lead to glorious awkward moments between James and Lily, and Lily and Remus. ;)
I wonder what will happen....
Awkward moments ahead alright! Thank you so much for your review!!
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