Looking for a possible female roomate for an apartment in Farmington Hills, Mi about 10 minutes away from school. Looking to move in at the beginning of August. Here's the place I'm am looking at.http://www.rent.com/apartments/michigan/
But yeah, Hi, I'm Amber, I kind of know you through livejournal...but I don't think I've seen you around school. I am looking for a roomate, maybe we could meet up for lunch one day and get to know each other better?
Comments 5
well i have a dear friend of mine, who commutes to madonna from st. clairs shores...and she needs to move closer...
if you want, her LJ name is quietstar
she is a sweetheart and im sure you two would get along
But yeah, Hi, I'm Amber, I kind of know you through livejournal...but I don't think I've seen you around school. I am looking for a roomate, maybe we could meet up for lunch one day and get to know each other better?
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