Knitting things

May 13, 2009 13:12

So, as it has become my custom, I will now share with you some of the knitting/felting projects I have been working on since the semester ended. Yes, I do realize that was last Friday, however I have completed enough project in order to justify a post in this short amount of time. How sad is that?

This is a purse that I had started before finals week and finished on the long trip home. The bag is really floppy and I have decided not to try another project like this one without putting some boning or stiffer materials in there.

This is the hat I made for Mo. She asked for a hat similar to my first felting project but longer. So I tried my best... and failed. The felting just didn't work the first time. I don't know what went wrong. But I took it home and tried it again in my washer here and it turned out a lot better. It still doesn't look like my first felting project, but as long as Mo likes it, I don't mind. Now comes the fun part, figuring out how to ship a felted hat without it losing it's shape. =/

This is a super fast knit scarf I did last night. It's cute and neat-looking... but it sheds a lot. I'm kind of hopeing that it stops doing that. It leaves little blue eyelashes all over. But it's warm and pretty, so hopefully someone out there will like it.

Finally, I thought I would share with you the beginings of a very silly very ridiculous hat that I am making. I found this yarn on sale at Hobby Lobby and it was too strange to pass up. It reminds me of bloody worms wrapped in cheap feathers. Anyway, it's going to be a hat one day. A very silly, very strange hat.

On a side note, I would like to say that the best thing about coming home is the food. I just made myself a delcious broccoli and swiss cheese omlette with pine nuts. It was lovely :D

knitting, friends

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