
Oct 24, 2009 19:38

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madripoor_rose October 25 2009, 00:55:32 UTC
Hee. Zombeetle is just fun to type, though.

Just HAD to share this one.


j_harper October 25 2009, 03:17:33 UTC
Eh. Probably because I'm a long time fantasy role-player, but not all 'zombies' are zombies. A wight, for example, is much, much different that a mere zombie, let alone monstrosities like liches or death knights. Sure, they are all undead, but there's a big difference between something that merely clubs at you and shambles and something that can wield world-shaking sorcery or can defeat all but the mightiest of mortal warriors in single combat.

Jeremy Harper


j_harper October 25 2009, 03:40:40 UTC
Another thing about the word zombie. Zombie, or zombi, was once the French word for jumbee, which in the West Indies and Carribean is a vast catagory of spirits and supernatural entities, not just re-animated corpses. The weird fiction writer Henry S. Whitehead, who was head deacon of the Episcopal church of St. Croix in the American Virgin Islands for over a decade and had much personal experience with Carribean folklore, used the term zombi at least once in one of his stories to describe a type of ocean spirit or devil a man made a deal with, and who paid a terrible price for doing so. Eventually the meaning of zombi narrowed to what we know it today.


Jeremy Harper


xakko October 25 2009, 19:58:00 UTC
so what are the ex X-folks from Necrosha called?

other than a probably waste of print, given the writers...

at one point, i think Marvel was trying to call them "zuvembies" - because the CCA was forbidding "zombies" at the time.


madripoor_rose October 25 2009, 21:05:09 UTC
facepalm. Zuvembies?


j_harper October 26 2009, 03:24:05 UTC
I'm pretty sure Roy Thomas lifted the term from Robert E. Howard's excellent short story _Pigeons From Hell_. In that story, zuvembies are quite, quite different from zombies ( ... )


jason_register February 27 2010, 05:00:34 UTC


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