Plot Bunny result-LOTR

Feb 01, 2010 14:37

This came about due to all those jokes about "what if there were three Wise Women?" I thought, "Tolkien didn't seem to have any problem with females in power (Galadriel, Haleth, Eowyn, the Valier), so why wasn't there an Istar in the shape of an old woman?"

2954th year of the Third Age of the Sun, Aman
    My sister Arien left me ages ago, and I still serve our lady Vana, at least until yesternight, when I was called from tending the healing gardens to the Mahanaxar. There Lord Sulimo asked of me to leave to Arda Marred, as Alatar and Aiwendil had ceased their missions prematurely. With my knowledge of flowers and their healing properties, I was sent to help Olorin, as rumblings of Curumo's fall to darkness, joining his brother, had reached Their ears. As They can not interfere directly, I am to be sent to help.
    As for the shape I am to take, I am to pattern my form on Haleth in her later years, an almost ageless, but strong, wise woman. Therefore, I may wander alone as a healer and soothsayer, much as Olorin travels as a spry old man. Lord Sulimo and Lady Varda are to send me to Amon Sul, where I will arrive in my guise and should leave a message in Bree for Olorin, telling him of my presence.

I decided to leave the note in Quenya, with the outside address in the Sindarin.
New Moon of Hisime, SR 1354
Brother Olorin,
    Lord and Lady send another to combat the spreading darkness. I, Narya Lotiel of Vana's retinue bid you well met. I mean to wander to the home of your friend the star-son. I hope to see you there for Yule.

Arien was the Maia that carried/drove the last of Laurelin's fruits across the sky (Sun). She was under the purview of Vana. Alatar and Aiwendil were the Blue Wizards, who vanished from Arda without completing their 'missions'.
Olorin=Gandalf's name as a Maia
Curumo=Saruman's name as a Maia
Hisime=equiv 10/22 to 11/20
Lotiel-flower    Narya-firey one    Urraniel-fire lady-wanderer


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