More of the 'wise woman' bunny
A week later, I left Imladris, after the snow stopped falling, and the sky was to stay clear for a few days. I would not be seen in Imladris again for over 25 years, when I would return with news of the events in Rohan and Gondor. Unknown to me, Aragon Ellesar followed me by a matter of days. The darkness spread, especially in what was once South Greenwood. I had a hellish time getting through all those spiders. I remember well She-Who-Devours, who so decimated our Trees. I checked in on Gil, who had, as a Secondborn with little Edain blood, succumb to the yearly coughs that plagued Men. Elrond was run off his feet with the Men from surrounding villages who brought their worst broken bones and sicknesses to be treated in Rivendell, and with his mixed blood, even if he couldn't die of sickness, he definately got lung infections every decade or so.
Arwen pulled me aside to ask advice about professing to Aragorn, which I both cherish the thought of, and dread the day Earendilion finds out, not to mention the twins. I finally got her to go talk to the head cook, whose daughter Aredhel is living with a merchant based in a village a day's ride west on the Great Road. She'll make it clear the minutae of the unions of First- and Secondborn that never makes it into the tales. Thankfully, I left again before she got around to cornering Aragorn.
Grey was off to spy on White, so he sent me to check on his little friend in the Shire, who I'm told is looking for an heir. There are something like 100 cousins, so I'm not sure what the problem is, though it seems he's an odd one, so he must have a set of qualifications to fill. I find the Halflings disquieting, though that's likely mostly to do with the level of noise. While I find their love of nature and the land admirable, they give me a headache.