LOTR bunny- part 5

Apr 15, 2010 12:02

This is the last piece I'll write on this one, the bunny died

    A year and a half later, I had wandered to the northern Shire, stopping in to stay a while with Ben-adar. On my way east to meet up with Grey, I left a package for Aragorn in care of the barkeep at the Prancing Pony, his prefered hostel in Bree. Enclosed was a packet of salves and herbs, plus a crystal that glowed when you swore at it in Elvish (a joke she'd created, initially for Elrohir, who had night vision barely better than a Edain's). With the roads and wilds getting more dangerous, it was a larger amount than Elrond gave him previously.
    Checking in on Curinir from afar, and seeing that he truly was falling like his brother, she hurried to Rivendell, where, according to the trees, there was to be a great Council. Arriving toward the end of Winterfilth, she was just in time to meet Glorfindel in the courtyard.
    "How'd you get here without going by my patrol?" he snapped as they both headed to the Halls of Healing.
    "I came from the east, it really is quite an adventure to slide down the slope on a wet leather cape. If it weren't for the fact that I ended up in a rocky, almost dry riverbed, it would be appropriate for elflings to try after a summer storm."
    "If you say so, milady. Can you help Frodo? Estel stuffed a Nazgul wound with aethelas, and it seems he used a whole pot of your wound salve, but the infection is still spreading. Elrond is a strong healer, but..."
    "A boost will be necessary? Yes."
    While one of the apprentices ran for Elrond, Urraniel started extracting the shard of blade that was inching closer to Frodo's heart every minute. Shortly, Elrond came running, his robes askew.
    "Thank the Valar you're here!" he said as he settled in to help.

When Frodo woke, and the time of the Council was firmly set, Urraniel was in an outlying settlement helping Aredhel with her birthing. As a truly half-elven child, the pregnancy term was difficult to predict, though it had been thought the child wasn't coming for another few weeks. It was just as the child started crying that she faltered, feeling a foul mood in the air, and the sky darkening. Sending a bee to sting Grey, who had obviously done something stupid again, she made her way back to Rivendell in time to see the Hobbits scamper off to the kitchens. Seeing Grey talking to Erestor, she stormed up to him, jabbing her staff into his foot.
    "Brother, what in all Arda made you think that was a good idea? I almost fell on my face with a knife in hand! You deserve that bee-sting."
    "Sister-dear, I was making a point."
    "Yet you gave all Light beings with any sensitivity palpitations in the process. Good going, running the risk of killing your host, or little Leaf!"

When the Fellowship convened, Mithrandir attempted, yet again, to convince his sister to occompany them on the quest.
    "No! It has been fortold, both by Elrond and Irmo, that the Fellowship is to be Nine Walkers. I cannot come, besides, I have other duties."
    After a short staring contest, Gandalf huffed and walked off.


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