danger kitten,
garbed in allblack
ever since the demise of
the alkaloid cowboy,
long black dress, black lipstick,
black eyeliner, black bra,
black panties, etc,
walks down the street then stops to talk to a cat (the cat is not black, rather grey point siamese, but that is not important to the story). the cat only says meow, but sounds like "reow"(the cat's dialogue is also irrelevent).
what is important to the story is that dk's pupils diliated ever so slightly, and in that brief moment of contact mr.ez, who had been stalking dk for some time, jumps into her body through her eyes. dk didnt notice mr.ez stalking her, and felt only a tingle as he coinhabitated her body. that tingle was mild, pleasant even, but totally forgettable.
mr.ez was the first man to be inside her since the death of ac, and she hardly noticed. (mind you-mr.ez is a ghost). while in dk, mr.ez felt flesh again as if it were novel. she strectched, peed, and yawned, and mr.ez was ecstastic.
driven by some unconscious force, dk found herself up on the roof of the highest building in all of 808. above all the lonely people going about their little lives far far below her she stood on the ledge watching, tittering, talking to herself.
mr.ez is a ghost and so is osAI, but osAI is not mr.ez.
they re o'so "same-same but different."
mr.ez sez 'do it. do it. fly.'
then she jumped. just like that, easy, she
never had a chance to doubt or regret her decision.