* Brillig: 4 o’clock in the afternoon. When one begins broiling things for dinner.
* Crims: The central area of Underland.
* Downal wyth Bluddy Behg Hid: Down with the Red Queen, the slogan of the Resistance.
* Ezel: High, go higher, go up.
* Fairfarren: Farewell. May you travel far under fair skies.
*Faldinal Day: The day Absolem ordered that the Vorpal Sword be forged
* Frabjous Day: The day Alice slays the Jabberwocky and so frees Underland from the oppression of the Red Queen.
* Frumious: Dirty and smelly.
* Futterwacken: The Underlanders’ dance of unbridled joy.
* Gallymoggers: Crazy.
* Gleb: The day the sky rained fish for no apparent reason
* Gribling Day: The day Alice will return to Underland.
* Guddler’s scut: Thief’s butt.
* Gummer Slough: Dangerous swamp of thick viscous mud.
* Horunvendush Day: The day the Red Queen took control of Underland.
* Kiotchyn: ‘Heads’ up or ‘pay attention’.
* Marmoreal: The location of the White Queen's castle.
* Naught for usal: It’s no use trying.
* Noge: Go low down.
* Nunz: Wait or ‘Don’t go, not now’.
* Oraculum: The Calender of all the days of Underland. Each day has its own title and illustration.
* Orgal: To the left.
* Outlands: The untamed land to the west of Witzend.
* Outlandish: The old language spoken only in the Outlands and used by the Underland resistance as a secret code in the revolution against the Red Queen.
* Pishsalver: A potion that makes one shrink.
* Queast: A land to the east, but ‘not in the least’.
* Quillian: The following day after Alice returns.
* Saganistute: A wise person of poetry and vision.
* Salazen Grum: A port city where the Red Queen lives.
* Shatterky: The day the White Queen was banished to Marmoreal
* Shunder: The day the sun first rose on Underland
* Shukrn: Feces.
* Sloth: Slowly
* Stang: To the right.
* Slurvish: Selfish or self-centered.
* Snud: A region in the south of Underland.
* Tulgey Wood: Where Alice meets the Jabberwocky.
* Underland: The real name for the place Alice calls Wonderland.
* Upelkuchen: A cake that makes one grow.
* Slurking urpal slackush scrum: rude or dirty words of the most foul meaning.
* Witzend: The western land where the Mad Hatter and March Hare were born.
* Yadder: Far away. Way yadder beyond the Crossling in Snud.
* Zounder: A warning to "look out behind you!"
(Originally found
here; additions courtesy of the AiW Visual Guide)