1. Chase/Cameron (House)
2. Alex/Izzie (Grey's Anatomy)
3. Booth/Brennan (Bones)
4. Jack/Kate (Lost)
5. Derek/Meredith (Grey's Anatomy)
6. Tyra/Landry (Friday Night Lights)
7. Kitty/Robert (Brothers & Sisters)
8. Carter/Abby (ER) -- loves of my life, but really... I had to walk away after that level of destruction.
9. Addison/Pete (Private Practice)
10. House/Cameron (House)
11. Luka/Abby (ER)
12. Ryan/Marissa (The OC)
13. Justin/Rebecca (Brothers & Sisters)
14. Sawyer/Kate (Lost)
15. Carter/Kem (ER)
16. JD/Elliott (Scrubs)
17. Owen/Cristina (Grey's Anatomy)
1. Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Luka/Abby)
"You're not that pretty. You're not that special." Seriously, their entire first attempt at a relationship was completely disastrous. Spiteful, bitter, totally unromantic, and constantly overshadowed by the fact that she was secretly in love with Carter and LUKA KNEW IT. Ugh, I just hate them. Nothing about them as a couple is right, and I think it's important for Luby shippers to realize that the ONLY REASON they won is that Carter/Abby fans were FORCED to forfeit the battle due to Noah Wyle abandoning the show. Fuck 'em all, it still makes me livid.
2. Who do you know that ships #13? (Justin/Rebecca)
No one, personally, but apparently a very large contingent of B&S fandom has absolutely no problem whatsoever with 'shipping a psuedo-incestual pairing. Me, on the other hand? No way. It grosses me out. Related by DNA or not, there is still something inherently creepy about you're "how we met" story starting off like this: "Well, we used to be convinced that she was my biological sister from an affair my dad had way back in the day..." :-/
3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? (Booth/Brennan)
I'd like for them to spend the next season really, honestly realizing and recognizing their feelings for one another whilst acting on them now and then. I don't need them to become a couple yet, but I want it to be really, really difficult for them to fight the feelings now. Spontaneous, emotionally-charged kisses or constant moments of tension where they're THISCLOSE until she pulls away at the last second and they continue this ongoing dance that they do. After a year of that, enough is enough -- let's attempt a real relationship and explore how fun that can be whilst having them still work as partners. Despite what Hart and everyone else on the staff seems to think, it really wouldn't change the dynamic of the show very much at all...
4. What is your favorite moment for #1? (Chase/Cameron)
Despite all of the awesomesauce of S5 (and I really did love it all, honestly), I still feel like I'll always hold a special place in my heart for "Not-Stolen Flowers" and the entirety of Act Your Age.
5. How long have you been following couple #6? (Tyra/Landry)
Hmm... I'd have to go really look, but I was always interested since Landry had a crush on her from day one. I think I really fell for them hardcore, though, when she got attacked by the almost-rapist in the parking lot and Landry came to her rescue. From that moment on, they were so precious and sweet together. I've been in love ever since.
6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop caring? (Carter/Abby)
Oh boy. First of all, I never stopped caring. I just stopped watching. And really, to attempt to sum up "why" in this little meme would be an impossible task. Let's just say that once upon a time they were perfect and destined and endgame, and then suddenly it was like I was being anally raped up the ass with the fat end of a wooden spoon. John Wells is the worst TV executive in the world. The end.
7. Which ship do you prefer--#2 or #4? (Alex/Izzie & Jack/Kate)
Argh, no fair! I can't bear to lose either one! But okay, if you really made me choose... then I love Jack/Kate more. I adore my Alex/Izzie something fierce, but losing Jack/Kate would be... it would be Carby 2.0 and I can't ever allow that to happen.
8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12. (House/Cameron & Ryan/Marissa)
Oh for the love of all that is good in TV, please make House/Cameron vanish into the abyss and never be so much as mentioned or fanserviced ever, ever again. It's dead in the water, she's married to Chase, and yet the House/Cameron fans won't STFU and just realize how pathetic it is for them to still be hanging on. What's worse, the show's writers/producers fanservice them constantly -- which doesn't so much worry me (I ain't skeered, my 'ship is married, bitches!) as it just completely annoys the shit out of me because I (and everyone else who watches this show other than House/Cam fangirls) am so fucking tired of rehashing Cameron's pathetic little schoolgirl crush from years and years ago. It's over. It's done. OMFG JUST DROP IT ALREADY.
9. What interests you about #17? (Owen/Cristina)
They're so angsty! Good fuck, I love angst. And I love Kevin McKidd, but that's neither here nor there. I've never really cared for Cristina other than in her role as Mer's quirky/bitchy BFF, but I really do love the story that's being explored between her and Owen. I think they have excellent growing potential and I am really enjoying what's been done so far and where they may be headed next year.
10. When did you stop liking #7? (Kitty/Robert)
I was never hardcore into them to begin with, but I did recognize that they were the main 'ship of that show. I loved them and really thought they were cute. I didn't quit watching because of them - they were a casualty of my abandoning the show due to the ickiness of Justin/Rebecca. But if anyone had the power to draw me back in, it was Kitty/Robert and my hopes of them becoming supremely epic at some point. Instead, they started fighting all of the time and talking about divorce, then Kitty had a secret affair... in short, THE END. No more caring.
11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series? (Addison/Pete)
Not really. I may have held out longer had these two kept going, but ultimately it was the bad writing and Shonda Rhimes inability stick with what works. She fucked up every single great pairing she had on that show, and it's just unbearable now.
12. What's a song that reminds you of #5? (Derek/Meredith)
"A Bitter Song" - Butterfly Boucher or "Please Don't Let This Go On Forever" - Snow Patrol. Both from the "Meredith almost drowns in the bay" arc, and now that's all I think about when I hear them.
13. Which of these ships do you love the most right now?
Right now? Chase/Cameron, no contest. They've been in the forefront of my fandom tunnel vision for almost a full year now. Usually I have 'ships on a constant rotation of who I love the most, but no one else has given me good enough reason in the past year to rotate CC out and bring someone else back in. Besides, when the one OTP you thought would probably NEVER let you win actually ends up getting married in the same year that all of your other go-to couples are failing you, it's not that surprising that you'd cling happily to what's happy and pretty right now.
14. Which do you dislike the most?
Hmm. I would say Sawyer/Kate, but I'm honestly not even affected by them that much anymore. I think that's pretty much done. House/Cameron is also done, and there's nothing I can do about the way Luka/Abby ended on the show. But I think it's generally a toss-up between Skate and Ham, wherein the most disliked of *right now* would probably be House/Cameron. It's hard to say, since neither Skate or Ham are actually canon at the moment... so I guess it's more about which 'shipper faction I dislike the most right now? LOL
15. If you could have any of these pairings double date, who would they be?
Ooooh, Jack/Kate and Chase/Cameron. Weirdly, if you really look at their personal histories as individuals, they kind of have a lot in common. It'd make for an interesting night, at least, and I'd bet they could all be really great friends :)
16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if yes. (Alex/Izzie)
Oh yes. Don't you worry. They're married, my friends. (Unless you factor in that it takes three days to get a marriage license in Seattle, in which case their wedding was totally not legit, but apparently we're all supposed to ignore that fact.)
17. Did #4 have a happy ending? Do you think one is likely? (Jack/Kate)
They had a momentary happy ending, but right now everything (literally) is unclear and undecided. I absolutely think a happy ending for them is likely, though. They had it once, and they were blissful. They can get it again. They just have to figure it out. Oh, and Darlton have to not kill either one of them. That'd be helpful.
18. What would make you start shipping #14? (Sawyer/Kate)
A lobotomy?
19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer--#2 or #6? (Alex/Izzie or Tyra/Landry)
Crap! Well, since chances are slim that Tyra/Landry will even be on the show much at all anymore now that they've graduated, I guess I have to say Alex/Izzie and go with what's more long-term. But damn, I am so in love with both of those couples.
20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? (House/Cameron)
House tells Cameron that he is genuinely happy for her and Chase, then starts to confide in her about his feelings for Cuddy. She helps House and Cuddy slowly find their way back to each other in a healthy fashion, and somewhere along the way Cameron tells House point-blank that he was right to reject her all those years ago -- she was never really in love with him, she was just young and lonely and looking for someone to focus her attentions on. House doesn't doubt that she's over him for even half a second and, ideally, neither does anyone in the fandom. Cameron and House develop a great working/platonic friendship in which they not only meld their minds over diagnostic issues but also help one another work through their respective neuroses in their own respective romances. Cuddy and Chase never get jealous, because there is NOTHING to be jealous of, and House and Cameron never speak of the long-forgotten crush ever again. In my own little world, Chase and Cameron have some pregnancy struggles that lead to major marriage troubles but eventually they reconcile and end up having lots of sex and babies; House and Cuddy make a real attempt at a relationship after dancing around each other for another year or so, but it doesn't last very long -- because we all know that it can't. In the end, House retires and/or dies with Stacy by his side (she'll come back at the very end!) and watches proudly as Chase takes over the diagnostics department. Everyone is happy for everyone else, and the idiocy of House/Cameron as a romantic pairing is a distant memory never to be spoken of, ever again. Please and thank you.