First of all, to all the new LJ friends who had added me a while ago and I only just now added you back -- yeah, my bad :p Nothing personal, I wasn't sitting around with a pro/con list debating whether or not we could be friends. I just fail that hard at keeping up with my notifications. I don't get emails when someone friends me (and prefer it
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Comments 5
And I see that you have a love hate relationship with Grey's. I think I might be done with it this year. Which is really sad because during seasons 1-3 I was super obsessed.
I used to be so hardcore about MerDer. And the post-it! AH! That was the dumbest thing Shonda has ever done, and she's done some stupid things. I've been in love with Alex/Izzie since day one and I'm glad they're married, even if it wasn't realistic. I think this season I'll watch it online the next day; I'm more excited about The Office and 30 Rock.
Gizzie! Blech! I actually liked Denny, but I hated their relationship. And Rebecca/Ava was so stupid! I was so glad she wasn't pregnant. There's a new sneak peek on but I haven't watched it yet. I'm curious about how the premiere will be, with George being dead and all.
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