Very interesting, that - the bits about the Eucharist were illuminating to me *tweaks own views on this and decides to do it that way in communion from now on* I love the idea of beginning the nurture of the individual spirit at the basic physical level; builds connections in from the start.
The thing about communal religion confuzzles me; it's socially positive and certainly there's a lot of practices that work better with more than one person involved (about a week ago, Jay and I were stunned to find out that scrying is one of these; now there's something that's physically impossible), but it can easily turn in to pretty much just what he said about nonmindful mass-takers. You can mindlessly drift through Buddhism as easily as Catholicism, if you've a mind to. But sharing energy is so useful and important. I never know what to make of that one
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Comments 1
The thing about communal religion confuzzles me; it's socially positive and certainly there's a lot of practices that work better with more than one person involved (about a week ago, Jay and I were stunned to find out that scrying is one of these; now there's something that's physically impossible), but it can easily turn in to pretty much just what he said about nonmindful mass-takers. You can mindlessly drift through Buddhism as easily as Catholicism, if you've a mind to. But sharing energy is so useful and important. I never know what to make of that one ( ... )
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