Dear Yuletide Santa,
First of all, I kind of love you right now just for being awesome and signing up for this epic fest. I would definitely suggest that you sit back, take a deep breath and be ready to read a bit of the crazy ADD that is my fandom loves. Well, I say that and then realize that they're all basically crime dramas. Not the point.
Basic stuff that I like: I love angst and H/C like living! Seriously. Put either or both (BOTH!) into a fic and I will propose marriage. I'm good with any rating. I like dark!fic. The angst and H/C make sense, now, huh? While I would prefer to see a happy-ish ending (or at least a promise that there will be a happy ending once every one gets their heads on straight in the future), you can go as dark as you want. There is a reason I like fic where someone goes "evil" for an ep. I blame an early obsession with the Power Rangers episodes where a Ranger was turned evil. No really. Wanna attempt that? Again, with the marriage proposal.
Basic stuff that I don't like: I don't like crack!AUs very much (characters are all unicorns or whatever), but a well thought out AU is fine. Not really looking for any kind of preg (mpreg, fpreg, whatver) or kid fic. I hate OOCness. The odd possibly OOC moment is fine. I understand that these characters are hard to write and those moments crop in or maybe what I consider OOC for someone, you think is totally in character. Don't sweat that. The Haven peeps jumping each other's bones on sight? Better be either a Troubled person around or in an established relationship.
A note on CASE FIC: As far as case fic, there is the slight problem that I studied criminal justice in college (seriously, the degree is...okay, not on my wall, but it is in the drawer). I would rather you handwave and gloss over procedures than try to do a detailed thing like CSI does...because it's horribly, horribly WRONG. I hope that didn't scare you. What I'm saying is that, if you write it like Haven does on it's own where they show up and then go investigating, that's fine. Heck, even Law and Order handwaves a lot of it. That is the way to write a case fic, as far as I'm concerned. Were you going to do that anyway? Go for it!
Basic sexy stuff that I like (yes, this gets it's own paragraph): rough sex, blood play, power play, mild kink. If you have the characters throwing each other back and forth against a wall in a power play lead up to some rough sex, I think I may die of the hot. Seriously. That's probably my biggest kink in fic and real life. I'm okay with mild bondage, but don't really see any of these characters involved in heavy bondage. Otherwise, as long as you don't have the magical self-lubricating penis, we're good (as in, please make sure the sex can actually happen).
Basic sexy stuff that I don't like: heavy kink, scat, watersports. If it has to have it's own bolded warning, then maybe you can hold off until after the fest?
Wow, that was long-winded. Ready for the fandom-specific stuff now? Cool. Me, too.
Fandom the First: Haven
Characters: Audrey, Nathan, Duke
Multi, Mature
Details: I have so much love for these three. My personal canon has the three of them in a relationship, but I know that's not everyone's cup of tea. Mostly, I would just love to see some fic with three of them getting into trouble, finding a way out, and being snarky the whole way through.
I ship Audrey/Nathan/Duke so hard, you have no idea. I have since they first had all three in a scene together. While that does mean that I ship the various pairings in this, I do prefer that it be with an eye for the OT3. If you don't know what I mean and can't do OT3, I would much rather have gen or case fic. I also know that OT3 sexytimes can be hard to write, so if you want to attempt the relationship but just can't write the sex, that's okay too. The thing that I feel has to be in a fic with this fandom is snark. This is one where the idea of someone going evil for awhile really does intrigue me. I know we saw Nathan all crazified in the one ep, but I would love to see some serious mindfuckery for one of them (I love the idea of Audrey evil, but I'm good with any of them) that leads to angst and H/C and even OT3 shenanigans. Or, you know, if that depresses you or you're now fearing for your fic, just a snarky little ditty between the three of them solving the eternal question of why keeps happening with OT3-esque shenanigans would work, too. Or Nathan breaking his leg and refusing to wear a cast so Audrey and Duke go all medieval on his ass until he does and help take care of them. Basically, you can do wrong if you write a Haven fic.
Fandom the Second: Rush (TV...of the Australian variety)
Characters: Shannon, Stella, Kerry, Grace
Details: Tell me more about the ladies of this awesome show. If there's going to be romantic interest/longing/actual sexing up, I'd prefer it be of the femslash variety. If nothing else, I'd love to see them out a bar together.
I love all the ladies of this show. I'm a total femslasher and tend to ship them with each other more than anyone else. I actually kind of hated the whole Grace/Josh thing. At this very moment, I am not up to speed on the series (though I have heard about the Stella/Shannon thing), but I will be when Yuletide goes up. So spoil away. I realize that the end of season 1 kind of screws things up to have them all in a single fic, but, if you have a great idea for it and just want to handwave that whole death thing (don't worry, I do it all the time), then go for it. I would love to see these ladies out there, kicking some ass and being awesome together. Or, like I said in the prompt, a night on the town works, too. I would rather they not be pining after the guys, but telling stories of the guys behind stupid is funny. As far as the men are concerned, I kind of hate Michael; jury's still out on Christian; Dom was a pussy and I never had any respect for him; Josh can be a dick, but also has his moments; Lawson has become a bit of an ass this season, but I do still like him. I also ship Lawson/Josh a tiny bit and think it would be hilarious if the girls did, too. Basically, there's so little fic for this show, I'm open to anything.
Fandom the Third: Law and Order: SVU
Characters: Munch, Fin, M/M
Details: There is not nearly enough fic with these two characters together. I would love you forever if you could give me a slash story with these two, explicit or not, preferably with a bit of plot. Failing that, give me bromance or bonding of some sort.
I love how these two characters are so married and have absolutely no problems with people knowing it. Their banter back and forth makes the show some weeks. I've shipped Alex/Olivia from the start and, when Alex left, I cried. I didn't really like Casey at all and then lost interest sometime late season 6. I have, however, started watching it again on Netflix and as it airs to catch up. So, if you want to do an episode tag for an ep somewhere in the middle of that, go ahead, just give me an ep number and title so I can watch it first. Don't worry about spoiling me. I'm a total spoiler whore. I like angst between the two of them leading to a realization of feelings (tropey? me?) or an established relationship with angst about a case or something from one of their pasts or whatever. I know I didn't include them as characters, but if you want to do a double date thing with the boys and Alex and Liv, it would be gold. Or even Huang and his boyfriend (just not Stabler...don't understand that ship). I do not see the two of them getting schmoopy in a relationship. Please, keep the banter the same, though the odd private nickname mentioned once or twice is fine. Finally, I've seen people try to write Fin's accent in fic and I prefer that you not. That knocks me out of a story very quickly. I can hear his voice all on my own, thank you.
Fandom the Fourth: Law and Order: UK
Characters: Alesha, Natalie F/F
Details: I actually wrote this pairing for last year's Yuletide and promptly fell in love with the idea. Even though these two lovely ladies have very little on screen time together, I still think they're adorable together. I would love more than anything to see someone else's take on them.
I hadn't really thought about femslash for this show until I saw last year's request. I know I was a little unsure what to write for it, but I was lucky enough that the person I wrote for last year had done some awesome meta. Sadly, I have done none of that. But you can read the story I wrote
here. If you want to do angst for this fandom, I'm okay with you dealing with the aftermath of Alesha's rape and/or the episode Masquerade. I also know that it's a delicate subject, so I completely understand if you don't think you can do that. I think there's the potential for some awesome fluff between these two. If it strikes you, I'm even going to give you blanket permission for a sequel to my story (but don't feel like I'm pressuring you). As far as the other characters, I also ship Matt/James (another double date thing?) and I think Natalie and Ronnie have an awesome friendly, not-quite-maternal relationship. Alesha and the boys, it's nothing but friendship.
So, I promise, I do actually occasionally ship het pairings between only two characters. Not very many, but sometimes. If you have any questions about any of these, feel free to leave an anonymous comment and I'll give you a little more info.